標題: 以注意力實驗檢測產品的造形表現力和內涵深度
Attention Examination on the Strength of Expression and Connotation in Product Design
作者: 林銘煌
關鍵字: 工業設計;造形;事件相關腦電位;industrial design;form;ERP
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 對產品週期已經步入成熟期的生活產品而言,為了使商品更具競爭力,外 型設計扮演著重要的角色,千變萬化的造形和其視覺語言成了新產品重要的指 標。然而什麼樣的造型是美的?吸引人的?如何表現或如何被欣賞?本計劃嘗 試應用腦神經科學研究上的儀器來檢測我們觀看不同風格的產品時,可否因視 覺表現形式和強度的不同,產生腦波在細微上有不同的反應,用以對應與解釋 美學評斷的標準。 本研究計劃挑選目前流行的、強調「視覺表現張力」的極簡風格和解構風 格,以及另一種強調「內涵聯想」的詼諧設計為刺激物,利用事件相關腦電位 ERP 設備輔以眼動儀來進行檢測,預計進行五項實驗,包括:(一) 觀察P300 測知覺的任務加工,(二) 觀察N400 測視覺語言語義背離,(三) 眼動測注意 焦點和心智負荷,(四) 模擬影像感知實驗,(五) 模擬影像複雜度與色彩材質 感知實驗。 我們時常可以聽到極簡風格、解構風格、幽默的設計這樣的說法,然而卻不能 清楚地界定它們,除了其精髓和來龍去脈之外,亦缺乏客觀的美學評斷標準。 提到美學,似乎還是很主觀的個人判斷,本計劃希望藉由再深入地探索人們內 心深處的審美認知和腦電位反應的關連性,拉近美學思辯與科學實證的距離。
For well developing everyday objects, the product form consisted of diverse styles and visual language has become very critical. However, what make them beautiful? How do they attract people attention? How are they read? This research tries to apply the equipments used in neuroscience to examine our visual perception, and find out how the endogenous components relate to aesthetic judgement. It plans to take the style of minimalism, deconstruction and witty designs as stimuli to carry out several sensory and perceptive experiments by using ERP and eye tracker. It includes (1) attention experiment by observing P300, (2) semantic confusion experiment by observing N400, (3) experiment of selective looking and mental load, (4) basic perceptive experiment by using simulation design stimuli, (5) advance perceptive experiment by using simulation design stimuli. Normally we knew about minimalism, deconstruction and witty designs, but we hardly identify them clearly. Besides the essence of their styles and their historical context, we also luck of objective agreement of reading them. When mention about aesthetics, it seems to be very much relying on personal taste. This research hopes to build a bridge between subjective and objective viewpoint by exploring the relationship between the aesthetic perception and cerebral activity.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2221-E009-094-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102245
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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