標題: 以薄膜單元處理淨水場快濾池反洗廢水之可行性研究(第一年)
作者: 袁如馨
Jill Rushing Pan
關鍵字: 薄膜;反沖洗水;過濾;membrane;backwash water;filtration
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 反洗廢水為淨水場水量最大的一股廢水,約佔產水量之2%~5%,目前多以迴流至前端併同原水處理,或單獨混凝沉澱等方式處理,若能有效回收此股廢水,將可提高淨水場供水量。本計畫規劃回顧國內外對於反洗廢水之處理方法,包含極具潛力的薄膜處理法;另針對產水量10,000 CMD以下的小型淨水場,尤其以地下水為水源者為對象,評估以薄膜處理回收其反洗廢水之可行性,同步搭配現地調查、小型薄膜模組測試、以及多項水質分析,進行以下兩項評估: 一、 了解國內小型淨水場反洗廢水典型特性、處理現況以及採用薄膜處理之可行性。 二、 提供採用薄膜單元處理反洗廢水之成本與操作注意要點,建置操作流程與薄膜運用於此類廢水時之經濟效益評估。 承上,經分析相關文獻資料與現況收集後,本研究團隊提出如下四項關鍵課題,有待進一步於本計畫中探討。 關鍵課題一:小型淨水場處理現況有待進一步調查 對策:相較於大型淨水場,供水量小於1萬CMD之小型淨水場 (尤其以地下水為水源者) 其相關水質背景資料較不足,有待進一步蒐集建構,本研究團隊將由淨水處理程序、反洗廢水性質及處理、污泥處理單元、現場用地、是否有可以和薄膜搭配之單元、操作人力等觀點加以蒐集資料。 關鍵課題二:以地下水為水源之淨水場的反洗廢水性質待深入剖析 對策:以地下水為水源的小型淨水場其反洗廢水特性可能有如下問題有待進一步釐清,而評估是否可採用薄膜處理,包括混凝前後的鐵錳污泥之固液分離特性、於薄膜表面之脫落容易度、顆粒濃度是否足以形成理想濾餅,以及薄膜處理後的結垢情形;本團隊後續將透過一系列的水質測試、固液分離測試,以及薄膜產水/反洗測試,來剖析其特質。 關鍵課題三:適用於處理回收反洗廢水之薄膜材質與模組有待探討 對策:為避免薄膜積垢,造成流量降低與薄膜壽命縮短,需要透過小型薄膜模組測試,選擇適當的薄膜材質以及操作條件 (過濾週期、清洗頻率、清洗氣體量與水量),確認設計與操作參數,來處理成分以鐵錳為主的小型淨水場反洗廢水。試驗中評估4種以上(如MF、UF、NF及RO等)薄膜種類、材質(包括偏疏水性與偏親水性者)及薄膜模組之薄膜(如板框式、卷式、中空纖維及管式);而根據本研究團隊模廠實務操作經驗,在處理含高濃度懸浮固體廢水時,為使其能形成濾餅並且容易脫落,其模組以板框或管式較為理想;後續將透過小型薄膜模組試驗,來決定其適用性。 關鍵課題四:使用薄膜單元後與現場單元如何整合應妥切規劃 對策:薄膜系統雖具有用地面積小,產水水質理想,可去除原蟲及奈米級膠體的優點,惟其與淨水場其它處理程序如何整合,是否能取代特定單元…等,仍有待規劃,本研究團隊基於工程設計觀點,建議考量:(1) 評估小型淨水場是否有污泥處理設備,以決定使用掃流式過濾 (cross-flow filtration) 或末端式 (dead-end filtration) 的薄膜模組;(2) 評估小型淨水場是否有充足用地,以決定設置固定式設備或是移動式設備薄膜反洗廢水處理單元;(3) 評估反洗廢水性質與現地既有單元,以決定是否要在薄膜單元之前,加入預混凝與預沉澱等前處理單元;(4) 評估現地定期操作維護人力,以決定薄膜單元所需配置的自動化監測設備。
Backwash water is the largest stream of wastewater in the water treatment plant (WTP). Usually the amount is equivalent to 2% ~ 5% of the daily production of WTP. Most WTP treats the backwash water by reflux to the raw water tank, or uses coagulation and sedimentation. If it can be recycled, the production of WTP will be increased. In this project we will review the treatment of backwash water in Taiwan and in other developed countries, including the membrane application. For those with production less than 10,000 CMD, especially taking the groundwater as influent, we will evaluate the feasibility using membrane module. Meanwhile the site survey, bench-scale membrane test and water quality assay will be conducted. The purpose is to understand the typical characteristics of the backwash water in the small-scale WTP in Taiwan, as well as the feasibility using membrane technology to recycle the backwash water. On the other hands, the cost and operation/maintenance skills of applying membrane technology will also be highlighted. For the small-scale WTP, we will focus on those taking groundwater as influent, including their background, footprint, sludge treatment and the staffs on site. This is to evaluate the compatibility of using membrane in the WTP. Also the WTP treating groundwater will derive backwash water containing high concentration of Mn and Fe. The behavior of filter cake that is composed of Mn and Fe, however, has not been fully investigated in the literature, especially in the aspect of its solid content and separation. In this study we will also conduct the relevant experiments to elucidate the Mn-Fe cake properties. On the other hands, when applying membrane technology to recycle backwash water, it would be necessary to identify the appropriate membrane materials, module, and operational/maintenance skills. We will try the four different membranes and determine the optimal ones. After realizing the operational parameters, the preliminary planning of a membrane-recycling system will be conducted.
官方說明文件#: 97TWC03
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102308