標題: | 從市場原理整合我國醫療證照法制 Integrating the Healthcare Licensing System of Taiwan from a Market Perspective |
作者: | 陳鋕雄 Chen Chih-hsiung 國立交通大學科技法律研究所 |
公開日期: | 2008 |
摘要: | 從市場原理整合我國醫療證照法制 我國醫療證照日趨多元而亟待整合,有參考先進國家近來改革趨勢之必要。在健 保資源日益緊縮的年代,進行證照法制的重整,亦有助改革醫療體系的供給面, 提昇醫療資源的使用效率。透過比較法及實證資料的蒐集,本研究企圖建構出醫 療證照制度的一般原理原則,作為重整我國醫療專業法的藍本。基於社會對高品 質多元化醫療服務的需求日益殷切,以及治療方法整合的必要性,本研究從健全 市場機制的角度出發,希望擴大各醫療專業執業範圍的重疊面,促使各專業良性 競爭、彼此學習,以期建構整合多元治療方法及專業人才之醫療網。為避免多元 開放的環境產生惡性競爭的結果,政府不但不可消極面對,反而應比過往更積極 地介入醫療證照規則的制定。在強化專業自律、確保病患的知情同意權、促進不 同專業間資訊交流及彼此了解、保持專業訓練及其執業範圍間的一致性、重思醫 療過失判斷標準等方面,需要新的法律及行政命令的建構,才能在鼓勵創新的同 時,維持醫療品質與安全。本研究的完成,除有助我國了解先進國家醫療證照法 制的架構外,並可幫助我國立法者思考未來修法方向、協助司法解釋者確立醫療 證照法規的解釋方向,以期活化我國醫療人力,促進醫療資源使用效率。 Integrating the Healthcare Licensing System of Taiwan from a Market Perspective The healthcare licensing laws in Taiwan are becoming diverse and demanding integration, which requires understanding the reforming trend undergoing in advanced countries. In the age of short-supply healthcare, reorganizing healthcare licensing acts will improve the supply-side of healthcare system and prompt the efficiency of healthcare resource usage. Through comparative method and empirical analysis, this research intends to establish the general principles and rules for medical licensing laws and to build a blueprint for reforming the Taiwanese healthcare professions acts. Since the society demands more high and diverse healthcare, and because of the necessity to integrating healthcare methods, this research stands on the perspective of enhancing market mechanism and propose to expand the overlapping areas of scope-of-practice for healthcare professionals as large as possible. The propose hopes to establish a healthcare system that integrates diverse medical treatments and professionals. To prevent malignant competition under an open environment, the government should not avoid but actively intervene the regulation of health care licensure. In order to encourage innovation while maintain medical quality and safety , the reform demands new statutes and regulations on reinforce and prompt professional self-regulation, patients’ informed consent, information exchange and mutual understanding among healthcare professions, the consistence between professional training and scope-of-practice, and reforms on the standard of care. This research can not only improve our understanding to advanced countries’ medical licensure acts, but also help policymakers to consider the future direction of legal reform and assist adjudicators to set up the principles of interpretation on the acts. The accomplishment would optimize the manpower and resources of our healthcare system. |
官方說明文件#: | NSC97-2410-H009-014 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102364 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1664919&docId=285823 |
顯示於類別: | 研究計畫 |