標題: 實體店面與網路平台整合行銷策略之應用-以W公司為例
The integration platform strategy of Offline to Online Stores - A Case Study of the W Company
作者: 何夢婷
Ho, Meng-Ting
Chu, Po-Young
Huang, Kuan-Cheng
關鍵字: 連鎖藥局;醫療資訊平台;藍海策略;Pharmacy Chain;healthcare information platform;blue ocean strategy
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 藥局行業屬於醫療專業,是半封閉式的零售行業,藥品及大部分的醫療器材均無法在網路上販賣,只能透過實體店面銷售服務。未來台灣老年人口的比例增高,醫療服務相關成本也會隨之增加,國人自身做好居家醫療保健照護,提升醫療相關常識有其必要性。現今電子網路資訊影響力不容忽視,應善加應用於醫療照護,增加民眾購買便利性,社區藥局角色應隨資訊環境的變化進而擴充其醫療專業所扮演的角色。 本研究主要採取個案研究法,探討W連鎖藥局擬架構一個智慧健康醫療的服務平台,將原有的實體店面的服務層次擴大到電子通訊科技應用,提供以人體器官圖為架構之專業健康智庫網路平台及APP開放民眾查詢,讓民眾瞭解疾病相關的保健知識及所需商品。許多議題如醫療資訊平台應如何架構才能成功? 須具備哪些功能才能滿足民眾、消費者的需求? 這些都值得探討;同時如何與同業或異業合作,進一步提供健康相關服務,打造一個多方共贏生態圈,以藍海策略思考為出發點,建立價值創新的商業生態系統(Business ecosystem),期望為社會創造更多價值,並帶動醫療相關產業效益之提升。
Pharmacy is the retail industry with semi-closed healthcare system. By law in Taiwan, most of medicines and medical appliances cannot be sold via internet except for physical stores. As the increase of the aging population, the related cost of providing healthcare service has increased as well. It is important for people to learn more medical knowledge and practices in life healthcare. Therefore, pharmacy needs to increase its ability of enhance healthcare knowledge sharing via internet to provide more complete and convenient services. This study proposes an intelligence healthcare service platform basing upon the case study of the pharmacy W to integrate the service level from physical stores to online platform. The healthcare information has been provided to users via online platform and Apps to share the knowledge about diseases and their medicines. Several relevant questions have been identified such as how to construct the successful business model, what kind of functions should be addressed to meet the users’ need and how to construct the business ecosystem to cooperate with alliance partners to increase more market share.