DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLin Chao Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract媒體在災難管理過程中的角色開始受到注意,儘管災難管理認為媒體可 以在災難突然發生時提供民眾資訊與進行回應,但是媒體基於產業特性與 報導需求,必須維持獨立性,又必須使其報導內容吸引閱聽眾,因此其角 色未必與災難管理相符。大眾媒體所報導的內容,具有重建、再現、與傳 達意義的影響力,其中尤以電視的影響力最大。以營利為目的的電視台如 何報導災難、呈現災難,是災難傳播的重要課題;商業體質的電視新聞媒 體受制於市場競爭與收視率等壓力,此一產製機制更是災難傳播與災難管 理中,非常值得關注的面相。 本研究共有兩個研究重點。第一個研究重點將聚焦於「災難新聞報導與 收視率關聯性之探討」,將首先針對電視新聞報導災難之新聞產製過程,進 行檢視與批判,並嘗試解構新聞產製與收視率運作之關聯;本研究第二個 重點將開展「災難傳播倖存者觀點之研究」,以理解倖存者如何成為媒體報 導的一部分。本研究嘗試透過收視率機制、災難新聞產製、與災難倖存者 等不同觀點進行研究,以期解構影響災難新聞產製的種種現象與因素。並 重新提出新聞倫理等反思與批判,以使災難傳播更能符合社會大眾利益, 繼而在獲利與社會責任間達到平衡。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe significance of the role of mass media is highly recognized by police-makers of disaster management. There is no agreement about how the mass media fit into the disaster management by reporting about natural and man-made disasters. Some officials of disaster management believe mass media could help people carry information and response to a disaster as soon as imminence of a hazard event. The mass media lie partly in their independence from government and in their ability to attract large audience. The content of mass media, TV news in particular, is an active site for construction, representation, and meaning.We have to think about the role of commercial TV station about disaster. In addition to examining content, it is also important to examine the pressure of marketing, ratings measurement in the process of disaster communication. There are two parts of this study. The first part is to examine the relationship between the TV disaster coverage and ratings measurement. This study will focus on the media market competition by investigating and criticizing how the mechanism affects TV news production. The second part of this study will try to know about some survivors, after being involved in a major man-made or natural disaster. This study is about how the survivors perceive the media’s part in the process, and how the media represent the survivors of the tragedies. After investigating and criticizing the related issues ( ratings measurement, news production, survivors) in disaster communication, this study also acknowledges a type of journalistic duty should be fulfilled by the mass media. This study will outline an ethical guideline that TV news could perform a public service and operate both profitably and responsibly when covering natural or man-made disasters.en_US
dc.titleA Study of the Deconstruction of Disaster Reportingen_US


  1. 972625M009004.PDF

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