Title: 技術服務預算編列與估算模式之建立
Development of Budgeting Model for Architect/Engineer Service Projects
Authors: 王維志
Keywords: 技術服務;服務成本加公費法;服務費用;預算編列;模糊適應性學習控制網 路;快速混元基因演算法;電腦模擬技術;A/E service;cost-plus-fixed-fee method;cost budgeting;FALCON;fmGA;computer simulation
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 技術服務廠商在工程生命週期各階段中,在品質、成本與進度管控上皆扮演著重要 的角色,雖然技術服務費用占整體工程經費之比例有限,但若規劃設計不當或監造不 實,將影響整體工程品質至鉅。國內技術服務費用最常採用「建造費用百分比法」計費, 但隨著工程逐漸多樣化及複雜化,傳統以工程類型及總工程費用預估服務費用之做法, 其準確性已漸偏低。大部分業主皆認同要獲得高品質之技術服務,須給予合理的服務費 用,且認為「服務成本加公費法」是較為合理且較能夠反映技服廠商真實成本的計費方 式,然而,目前國內並無一套有理論基礎的、且經測試過的以服務成本加公費法編列預 算項目與估算經費之模式,以利各機關參考。 為此,本計畫擬分為三年期執行,研究目的乃為建立一套以服務成本加公費法為計 費基礎之技術服務預算編列與估算模式,以利能夠系統化地編列一個合理且具相當準確 度之技術服務預算。本計畫主要研究方法有二,第一,將採用一套結合模糊適應性學習 控制網路(FALCON)及快速混元基因演算法(fmGA)之分析技術,建立服務項目人月數之 評估模式;第二,將透過電腦模擬技術(computer simulation)考量各因子之不確定性影響 程度,以利估算可能的技術服務成本分佈,進而訂定合理的預算。本研究預期將有利於 主辦機關在工程專案之技術服務管理。
Architect/Engineer (A/E) plays an important role in controlling quality, cost and schedule of all phases for a construction project, although the A/E fee is limited comparing to the total project cost. Most project owners agree that high-quality A/E service should be accompanied with a reasonable fee. In Taiwan, while the percentage-of-construction-cost method is widely used in estimating the A/E service fee, the cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) method is considered as the best method for generating a reasonable A/E fee. However, the application of the CPFF method to budgeting the A/E fees is not popular due to the lack of a systematic model that is justified in theory. This three-year research aims to develop a CPFF-based model for establishing a reasonable budget (including cost items and total cost) of the A/E service contract. During the model development, this study will integrate the FALCON and fmGA techniques to evaluate the quantities of man-months required by different kinds of A/E professionals (such as superintendents and engineers). Additionally, a computer simulation technique (Stroboscope) will be applied to assess the cost effect caused by various factors (such as project complexity) for generating an objectively probabilistic distribution of A/E fee. This research is expected to support project owners in the management of A/E contracts.
Gov't Doc #: NSC101-2221-E009-137-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102439
Appears in Collections:Research Plans