Title: 半導體廠房營運維護預算編列模式之分析
Analysis of Maintenance Budgets for Semiconductor Factories
Authors: 徐鳳麟
Wang, Wei-Chih
Huang, Shyh-Chang
Keywords: 半導體廠房;營運維護階段;預算編列;成本;semiconductor factory;operating and maintenance phase;budgeting;cost
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 半導體廠房之營運維護目前實務上多以實際統計維修需求及歷年來營運維護成本為參考數據,此種營運維護費用之估算方式欠缺客觀依據,與實際歷年金額數據顯示差異過大,無法有效預估來年之營運維護預算。
Operating and maintenance cost estimations for semiconductor factories are based on actual statistics and reference to previous years estimation. This current practice not only lacks of objectivity but is also error-prone, resulting in incorrect estimation of the operating and maintenance budget for coming the coming year.
The purpose of this study is to provide a model of operating and maintenance cost estimation based on the systems classification of the semiconductor factories. Furthermore, the model is reviewed to test its accuracy and suitability to expected results. The methods used are descriptive statistics and real case manipulation.
Firstly, we will give a detailed introduction of the cases, classification of budget and description of operating and maintenance costs. Then we will go through a literature review using three semiconductor factories, statistical analysis and comparison of their annual budgets. The average cost over the years is to be derived through a calculation of the minimal and maximal cost value and the total.
Excel functions such as linear, exponential, logarithmic, polynomial regression analysis and exponentiation are used to derive a predicted value R2 which is used to estimate the accuracy and applicability of the cost. Also, search for highest average difference between projects, and interviews with experts to identify key operating maintenance costs, and recommend management strategies.
The overall result of this study using regression analysis method has a certain amount of accuracy and feasibility even though it’s not applicable to all projects. The study has proposed a reasonable model which can be used for estimating correctly operation and maintenance costs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070261217
Appears in Collections:Thesis