Title: 價值工程運用於新建半導體廠務系統工程之可行性探討
Feasibility study of applying value engineering to new semiconductor facility system engineering projects
Authors: 李俊和
Li, Chun-Ho
Wang, Wei-Chih
Keywords: 價值工程;工作計畫;廠務系統工程;成本精簡計畫;Value engineering;Job plan;Facility system engineering;cost down plan
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 降低成本並同時提升產能及良率係為高科技企業生存及發展之首要目標,當半導體廠房新建時,企業多會要求廠務建廠小組提出之興建成本必須低於前一個類似規模之科技廠房,因此如何更有效率降低興建成本係為高科技廠房興建之關鍵問題。惟實務上建廠小組對降低興建成本之規劃,缺乏標準之執行程序,雖有進行成本精簡計畫(Cost down),然其分析通常僅以預算目標為考量,未對廠房之整體機能作系統化評估。本研究以某半導體新建廠務系統工程為例,透過個案研究方式,介紹目前實務上成本精簡計畫之執行方式,並探討於高科技廠房成本精簡計畫中,導入價值工程(Value Engineering)分析程序之可行性,透過文獻回顧及專家訪談和使用價值工程工作計畫做實際研析。
The main goals of a high-tech company to survive and develop are cost-down and both quality and quantity increasing. When a new project of semiconductor factory is proposed, the company will require the constructing team to cut down the budget which is lower than a similar existing factory. Therefore, how to reduce the construction cost efficiently is the key issue of high-tech companies. In practice, we found that constructing team is lack of standard executive procedure to cut down cost. Although constructing team adapts “cost down plan” during the period, it only considers of budget not systematic analysis for whole function of factory.
This research instanced a new semiconductor facility system engineering project, and then introduced the current practice executive method of cost down plan through case study. Meanwhile, by interviewing experts, reviewing documents and conducting a job plan in a case, we probe into the feasibility of value engineering job plan that conducts into a cost down plan at a construction project of a high-tech company.
This research showing the current situation of cost down plan was mainly from owner’s experiences of engineering, operation, and vendor’s suggestions. If constructing team can get and sort the actual examples from existing factories, it can increase methods of creativity and decrease wide range of engineering cost.
Through case study, there are several key problems as following: first, engineering consultants may be required for the team member rarely understand the application and operation of value engineering. It’s necessary that the value engineering should be applied in this area. Second, it is difficult to cut down cost because of hard to obtain detail price quotation from vendors and analyze cost model and function value. Third, it is important to appraise weighted evaluation which are safety, reliability and construction cost. The down turn of operation cost is the most important item of evaluation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis