DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLee Jiunde Jimen_US
dc.description.abstract國立交通大學 傳播研究所 計畫名稱: 影響使用者於桌上型3D 虛擬空間尋路表現之因素探討:認知能力、 地標介面、認知資源分配、與空間知識 研究者:李峻德 經費來源:行政院國家科學委員會 關鍵詞:尋路行為;空間能力; 空間知識;認知資源分配;地標;3D 虛擬空間 雖然近年來虛擬科技持續快速成長,但此類3D 環境的設計已為學者質疑是 否能如預期的可快速有效的協助使用者進行搜尋資訊,而尋路行為是影響桌上型 3D 虛擬空間使用者表現的各類因素中,最重要的基礎要素之一,為資訊搜尋過 程中的主要行為。許多研究指出使用者常因虛擬空間與實際空間屬性之不同,而 造成方向感迷失或甚至是過度挫折而中斷繼續使用的意願,而此結果也成為導致 使用者於後續拒絕嘗試類似系統的主因。本研究因此認為有必要分別自內部與外 部因素分析其影響的原因。 藉由容量有限論(Limited Capacity Theory)的理論架構與放聲思考法,本研 究將進行一個五階段式的實驗研究來探索使用者的不同空間能力與第標設計因 素如何於“尋路”過程中影響其工作記憶區之認知資源分配運作與空間知識之 建構,同時,也將一併測量對使用者資訊搜尋表現的影響。預期研究貢獻將對 3D 虛擬環境發展特別是有關於資訊搜尋方面提供有用的資訊3D 介面設計者 亦得以根據本研究建議在考量不同空間能力者需求下,發展適切的設計準則與 協助功能,在保有ㄧ定的環境品質下,協助使用者進行資訊搜尋。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNational Chiao Tung University Graduate Institute of Communication Studies Title: An Exploration of the Factors Affecting Users’Performances in a Desktop 3D Virtual Space: Cognitive Ability, Landmark, Resource Distribution of Working Memory, and Spatial Knowledge Principal Investigator:Jiunde Lee Sponsor:National Science Council Keywords:Wayfinding, Cognitive Ability, Spatial Knowledge, Landmark, 3D virtual space Despite the fast growth of three-dimensional (3D) virtual-reality technologies, scholars have started questioning its promised potentials for facilitating users effectively during information seeking. Among the factors affecting users’ performances in a desktop 3D virtual space, “wayfinding” isviewed as one of the most fundamental issues. Many research results have indicated that the different attributes between virtual and physical worlds often result users’experiences of getting lost or frustrate too much as to reject such type of environment. Therefore, the purposes of the present study aim to understand both internal and external factors which might impact players’performances during the wayfinding process in a desktop 3D virtual space. By applying Limited Capacity Theory and “Think Aloud” method, a five-stage experiment study was managed to explore how individual spatial abilities and landmark design in a desktop 3D environment might affect users’ cognition operations of working memory in terms of resource distributions: Orientation, Evaluation, Elaboration, and Maintenance. Also, subjects’ spatial knowledge were investigated to explore the inter-relationships among resource distributions of the subject’s working memory and spatial knowledge. The purpose of the present study tries to provide insight information of user cognitive behaviors during navigating in a desktop 3D virtual environment, especially within a space where the main task is information seeking.en_US
dc.titleAn Exploration Study of the Factors Affecting Users' Performances in a Desktop 3D Virtual Space--- Cognitive Ability, Landmark, Resource Distribution of Working Memory, and Spatial Knowledgeen_US