標題: 基因體醫學及生技研發之生物資訊核心設施-(子計畫四)---結構生物資訊(I)
Genomics Medicine and Biotechnology Bioinformatics Core Facility (I)
作者: 黃鎮剛
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在此計畫【基因體醫學及生技研發之生物資訊核心設施:結構生物資訊】,我們將對提供結構 分析工具、資料庫之網路服務、教育訓練及研討會,促進基因體醫學及生物科技之研究。我們 所提出的核心設施建設在目前結構生物資訊核心基礎上,是現在台灣唯一的記算結構生物核心 設施。我們目前我們服務包括:蛋白質結構快速比對、「帶結」蛋白質分析工具、, 蛋白質與 蛋白質作用結構資料庫、蛋白質動態資料庫。我們繼續目前的資料庫的服務,包括雙硫鍵蛋白 質資料庫、結構亂度資料庫。我們也繼續維持目前的鏡像站的服務包括PDB, SCOP and PredictProtein,這些是結構生物一些最重要的網站。在台灣,本核心是唯一提供如此結構資料庫 的服務。在分析工具方面,我們將提供下列服務:自動化蛋白質結構預測伺服器、蛋白質-蛋 白質/配位子接對伺服器與一般結構分析工具。總括而言,我們的工作包括:一般服務、技術 發展與合作服務。我們將貢獻65%在一般服務,連續三年,在合作服務,我們在第一年將貢獻 10%的工作力,第二年將貢獻15%,第三年將貢獻20%;在技術發展上,我們在第一年將貢獻 20%的工作力,第二年將貢獻15%,第三年將貢獻10%。
In this project Bioinformatics Core for Genomic Medicine and Biotechnology Development –Structural Bioinformatics, we will offer bioinformatics service for both academic and industrial researchers in providing structural-based analysis tools and databases web service, educational work shop program and research conferences, which relevant to the users' research topics in genomic medicine and biotechnology. The current service facility is based on the foundation the current structural bioinformatics core, which is the only bioinformatics core completely dedicated to computational structural biology in Taiwan. We will provide structural analysis tools and database such as protein structure prediction, fast structure alignment, structure analysis analysis (for example, detection of knots in proteins), protein-protein/ligand docking tool GemDOCK and other prediction tools. Furthermore, we will also provide analysis tools and databases in proteomic analysis or genomic analysis, such as protein subcellular localization predictor, phosphorylaton site prediction, database of mircroRNA etc. We will also upgrade the current databases such as the disulfide-pattern protein database and structural entropy database, and continue providing mirror service of some of the most important structural databases such as PDB, SCOP and PredictProtein to the local users. In general, our efforts will be dedicated to three categories: the routine service, technology development and the collaborative research service. We will provide two types of service to users: the first type includes the routine web-based service that will automatically return results for queries submitted by users; the other type of services require special customized assistance from us in carrying out computational intensive operations. For example, our structure prediction server will automatically return 3D structures for a limited number of query sequences submitted by users; however, when the query sequences are, say, all sequences of certain pathogenic genomes or genes related to certain cancer that need comprehensive computation and customized/novel tools, we will provide customized assistance for the users. In general, we will dedicate 65% of our effort to the routine service for each year; as for the technology development, we will dedicate 20% of our effort for the 1st year, 15% 2nd year and 10% the third year, and the rest effort will be dedicated to the collaborative research.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-3112-B009-004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102596
Appears in Collections:Research Plans