標題: 四溪流域三鄉鎮語言分布微觀調查
Microscopic Survey of Language Distribution in Three Townships in Four Stream Basins
作者: 鄭錦全
Cheng, Chin-Chuan
關鍵字: 語言地理資訊系統;語言分佈微觀;閩南語;客家話;南島語;語言互動;language geographic information system;microscopic view of language distribution;Southern Min;Autonesian languages;language interaction
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 語言的空間分布是國土管理、母語教育、語言政策的參考資源,更是論述客家書院、 探討宗教、追尋戲班移動、判定族群聚落、了解三官大帝廟宇形成的環境、跟蹤文化傳播取徑等等人文社會研究的基本理據,當然也是語言學研究的重要課題。本計畫以航空照片影像、地理資訊系統及實地地理座標定位,調查新竹縣新埔鎮、苗栗縣南庄鄉以及苗栗縣後龍鎮的所有家戶語言,建構台灣有史以來最細緻的語言分布資料庫,並畫出以家庭為單位的語言分布地圖,徹底釐清閩南、客家、南島及其他語言的空間定位。本子計畫提供語言分布資料作為其他所有子計畫論述的語言理據,其他子計畫也在調查中記錄語言分布,充實本子計畫內容。總之,在各子計畫的互動中,我們真正做到跨學科的整合,更能深入問難思辯,得出新穎的理論與知識。
A collection of geographical distribution of the languages in Taiwan is a significant resource for land management, mother-tongue education and language policy.It can also be used as the basic argument for discussion on Hakka traditional schools, research in religion, tracing of theatric-troupe movements, determination of ethnic settlements, understanding of the background of Sanguan temples, explicating paths of cultural influences, etc. Naturally, its study is an important topic in linguistics. In this project a language distribution database will be built by utilizing aerial photos, geographic information system, coordinate positioning of the localities, and detailed household language surveys. The geographical areas to be covered include Xinbu township of Xinzhu County and Nanzhuang and Houlong townships of Miaoli County. The end product will be various maps of language distribution in terms of households in minute details.Thus the project will pinpoint Southern Min,Hakka,and Austronesian distribution in space.The language distribution database will provide other projects the basis for their argumentation. On the other hand,it is hoped that the other projects will collect similar language information to enrich our work as they carry out their own research.In sum,in the interaction among the projects we truly do cross-disciplinary research to enhance our argumentation and knowledge.
官方說明文件#: 97-0399-05-0301-01
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102615


  1. RRPG97060219.pdf

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