Title: | 智慧型行動輔助居家照護機器人研發---子計畫四:智慧型行動輔助居家照護機器人之力感呈現與健康輔助 Force Management and Health Enhancement for an Intelligent Life-Assistant Robot System |
Authors: | 楊谷洋 YOUNG KUU - YOUNG 國立交通大學電機與控制工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 行動輔助居家照護機器人;力感呈現;健康電腦遊戲;感知運動協調能力;Intelligent Life-Assistant Robot System;Force-Feeling Representation;Health-EnhancementComputer Game;Sensory-Motor Coordination |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 因應台灣高齡化的社會的來臨,我們提出整合計畫中的智慧型行動輔助居家照 護機器人系統,此機器人系統與欲輔助的銀髮族會有密切的互動,因此如何合宜地 處理彼此之間力覺的對應是相當重要,本計劃的目的,即在於建立其力感呈現,發 展適當的力感控制策略,並建制力感測機構;另一方面,在神經復健的研究中論及, 可利用外在的訓練來減緩銀髮族在感知運動協調能力的退化,而力覺相關的訓練有 其功效,因此,我們也將運用此力感處理系統發展健康電腦遊戲,讓銀髮族能在愉 悅的氣氛中增進其神經塑性與協調能力。在此三年的計畫中,我們將分別針對機器 人行動輔助、外出搬運、以及健康遊戲的任務,進行力感與操控分析,並建立軟硬 體系統;我們也將整合力感處理系統與生理訊號量測系統,同步觀察以力回饋訓練 增強運動協調能力時,腦波與肌電波表現及其關連性分析,預期將以並不複雜的機 構與程式發展的健康電腦遊戲,此遊戲系統有一定的生醫學理支持,具推廣價值, 提供了銀髮族另一種訓練保健的選擇。三年計畫所完成的系統將經由實地的測試驗 證其功能,並邀請各種背景的銀髮族參與使用,以提昇系統的可行性與適用性。本 計畫的完成將有助於建立具實用性的輔助型機器人,並能提昇銀髮族的生活品質與 尊嚴。 Taiwan has entered the era of the aging society. We therefore propose an integrated project for the development of an Intelligent Life-Assistant Robot System. Because there will be force signals flowing back and forth between the proposed robot system and the elderly people to assist, it is very crucial to manage the interaction in between successfully. The purpose of this project is to formulate force feeling properly, develop salient force control strategies, and build the force-sensing mechanism. On the other hand, from the biomedical research, the external training can help the elderly people in maintaining their ability in sensory-motor coordination. We will thus apply this force management system to develop a health-enhancement computer game. Through the game playing, the elderly people can improve their motor plasticity and coordination ability in a joyful mood. In this three-year project, in responding to the tasks of walking assistance, outdoor assistance, and health-enhancement computer game, respectively, we will analyze the force interaction, develop the manipulation strategies, and build the entire system. We will also link the force management system with the physiological signal measurement system for synchronous observation of the performance of EEG and EMG during the health-enhancement computer game. The effect of the force training on the recovering of the sensory-motor coordination ability can then be evaluated. With a theoretical support and not so complicated mechanism and program in implementation, this computer game provides a salient alternate for the elderly people in health enhancement. The developed system will be verified via an extensive field study. The completion of this project will be much helpful on building practical assistant robots, and highly enhance the life quality and dignity of the elderly people. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC96-2628-E009-164-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102639 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1621622&docId=277502 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |