Title: | 智慧型行動輔助居家照護機器人研發---總計畫 Development of an Intelligent Life-Assistant Robot System |
Authors: | 楊谷洋 YOUNG KUU - YOUNG 國立交通大學電機與控制工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 行動輔助居家照護機器人;行動輔助機器人;跟隨型機器人;照護陪伴機器人;高齡化社會分析;Intelligent Life-Assistant Robot System;Robot Walker;Robot Follower;Robot Companion;Aging Society Investigation |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 面對台灣即將由高齡化邁向高齡社會,照護人員短缺的壓力也漸形擴大,在此三年 的整合計畫中,我們將發展一智慧型行動輔助居家照護機器人系統,對象是具一定自主 能力,僅需適度協助的銀髮族。在研發的進程中,我們首先由功能較單純的行動輔助機 器人著手,以被動的方式提供銀髮族力感的資訊,賦予他們在行走時的支持與導引,接 續將其提昇至半自主式的跟隨型機器人,可以在外出時自發地伴隨使用者,適時提供導 引資訊與搬運協助,最終將成為全自主式的照護陪伴機器人,作為使用者與照護機構的 介面,也將設計可增進健康的互動式遊戲,陪伴銀髮族的家居生活。我們的研究團隊將 以五項子計畫進行合作,重點分別是照護機器人本體的機構設計與行為控制、嵌入式軟 硬體平台設計、結合視覺與聽覺之感知互動介面研發,力感呈現與健康輔助系統開發, 以及多語多模口語人機介面研發,在依序完成各子系統後,將整合成完整的照護機器人 系統,並進行田野測試,我們也將執行社會面分析,據以瞭解台灣高齡化社會的人口分 佈、健康狀況,以及醫療資源等,也已邀請復健專長醫師擔任顧問,我們將廣泛尋求銀 髮族的協助,進行試用與評估,以期開發出符合台灣高齡化社會需求,具市場價值的系 統,讓銀髮族能持續保持健康,自主愉悅地的生活,並維持其生活品質與尊嚴。 Taiwan is going to be a highly aging society. The pressure of the lack of health-caring personnel is growing fast. In this three-year integrated project, we propose developing an Intelligent Life-Assistant Robot System. We aim on the elderly people who can be on their own and only need partial assistance. During the development, we will start from the robot walker, which is designed to passively provide the elderly people with force information, support, and guidance during walking. Later on, the robot walker will be upgraded to be a semi-autonomous robot follower, which can follow the user to go outside and provide the necessary information and load sharing. Finally, the robot follower will be again upgraded to be a fully autonomous robot companion, which can serve as an interface between the elderly people and the medical center. Meanwhile, several health-enhancing computer games will be included in the robot companion for a better accompany of the elderly people in daily life. This integrated project consists of five sub-projects, focusing on, respectively, robot design and behavior control, embedded firmware platform, audio-video environmental perception interface, force management and health-enhancement system, and multi-lingual/multi-modal spoken dialog-based interface. After the establishment of the entire integrated system, we will verify its feasibility via an extensive field study. A social analysis on the distribution, health condition, and medical resource of Taiwan aging society will also be executed. Meanwhile, we have already invited medical doctor in rehabilitation to be our consultant. We intend to develop an assistant robot system that meets the demand and is ready for market. The developed system is expected to highly enhance the life quality and dignity of the elderly people. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC96-2628-E009-161-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102701 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1620270&docId=277190 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |