標題: 大學生的政治支持與疏離---以媒介與認同檢視之跨時研究
University Students$ Political Support and Alienation from Media and Identity---Panel Study and Cross Sectional Study
作者: 劉嘉薇
Liu Jia-Wei
關鍵字: 政治社會化;政治支持;政治傳播;定群追蹤研究;political socialization;political support;political communication;panel study
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計畫研究大學生政治支持的持續與變遷,並分析大眾傳播媒介為何與如何影響 大學生的政治支持。本研究從政治傳播與政治社會化的角度,討論大眾傳播媒介對於 政治支持究竟是正面的影響或負面的影響,「良性循環論」與「媒介抑鬱論」兩個理 論對這個問題的論點分庭抗禮。前者認為媒介具有公共服務、提高政治涉入感的功能, 因此稱為「良性循環論」;後者則認為媒介具有許多負面內容和不公正的報導,因此 稱為「媒介抑鬱論」。本文認為大學生教育程度較高,應較有獨立判斷的能力,因此 應較不受媒介負面內容影響,良性循環論解釋力應較高。再者,本研究發現大學生的 政治支持除了受到傳播媒介良性循環的影響,政黨認同這項政治心理定向也可能是其 形成政治支持的重要影響因素。 有別於一般政治傳播與政治社會化的研究設計,本研究採用定群追蹤研究法與橫 斷面研究設計,以貫跨時的資料型態更能瞭解政治支持如何持續與變遷。本研究在理 論上跨越政治學與傳播學的討論,在方法上與分析上也採取對於長期態度追蹤較為適 當的定群追蹤與橫斷面研究設計以及適切的統計方法,以便瞭解態度的持續與變遷。
This paper focuses on the change and continuity of political support among university students. Besides, it demonstrates that why and how mass media affects university students' political support. From the angle of political communication and political socialization approaches, this paper discusses whether mass media brings positive or negative impact on political support. It seems that “virtuous circle theory” and “media malaise theory” both have explanatory power on this issue. The “virtuous circle theory” thinks that media has the functions of public service and raising political involvement. On the contrary, the “media malaise theory” views the news full of negative and unfair coverage. Our argument is that college students with higher education level should be able to think independently, not easily influenced by negative coverage. In other word, the “virtuous circle theory” is more persuasive. Furthermore, college students' political support is affected positively not only by mass media, but also by another political psychology orientation (party identification). Different from general research design of political communication and political socialization, this paper use longitudinal (panel study, and cross sectional study) data to analyze the change and continuity of political support among university students. In a word, this paper crosses over the discussion between political science and communication studies. In addition, the panel study design, more suitable to track the change and continuity of political support, and proper statistics method, are both used.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2410-H009-059
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102675
Appears in Collections:Research Plans