標題: 以多向度試題反應理論量測我國兒童步行上放學之能力
Applying the Multidimensional Item Response Theory to Measure Children's Walking Ability to School
作者: 張新立
關鍵字: 步行能力;多向度試題反應理論;Walking Ability;Multidimensional Item Response Theory
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 兒童行人因注意力、風險感認及過馬路能力不足而使其具有較高之交通事故風險。我國 及世界各國皆致力於走路上學計畫之推動,然而兒童是否具備足夠之步行能力以應付複 雜之道路環境,卻有待商榷。本研究擬利用問卷調查國民小學四至六年級步行上放學學 童之步行能力,並透過多向度試題反應理論以求得兒童注意力、風險感認、及過馬路之 能力值,探索其間之關聯性,並藉由兒童三項能力之差異分析,提供教師針對個別兒童 缺乏之能力進行訓練之方向。此外,綜合三項能力值求得兒童獨自步行之能力,進一步 利用單因子變異數分析探討學校交通環境及兒童家庭因素對其獨自步行能力之影響,並 根據分析結果提出相關之改善對策,期望能藉由兒童本身、交通環境以及家庭三方面之 共同努力,提升兒童獨自步行能力,除可降低兒童交通事故風險外,也利於步行上學計 畫之推動,以促進兒童身體之健康,並減少車輛使用所帶來之交通擁擠與空氣汙染問題。
School children experience high traffic accident risk due to their insufficient abilities of attention, risk perception and roadway crossing. Nowadays, many countries devote to promote the Walk-to-School program; however, whether the children have enough abilities to face the complicated road environments is doubted. Through the questionnaire design and face-to-face interview, a set of valuable information will be collected and used to explore children’s attention, risk perception and roadway crossing abilities and their correlations by Multidimensional Item Response Theory. The study results will allow the teachers to train their children in different ways according to how much abilities the children have already had. Furthermore, this study will integrate the three abilities into one synthetic index – children walking ability, and use one-way ANOVA to discuss the influence of road environment around school and family characteristics on the walking ability. Based on the results, this study is expected to raise some suggestions on the improvements of traffic environment and parental education. This research is conducted not only to promote children walking ability and then to decrease the risk of traffic accidents, but also to move the Walk-to-School program, solve the health problems, and reduce the traffic congestion and pollutions.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2221-E009-115
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102735


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