標題: 多軸同步網路傳輸運動控制平台之實現
Research and Development on the Multi-Axis Synchronous Networking Motion Control Platform
作者: 李安謙
關鍵字: 精密運動定位平台;摩擦力補償;Coprime DOB;交叉耦合控制;DSP;Dual-controller;網路同步傳輸;DSP motion Platform;Friction compensation;Coprime DOB;Cross-Coupling Controller;Dual-Controller;Synchronous Networking Transmission.
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計畫為二年期計劃,整個計劃之目標在完成一多軸同步網路傳輸運動控制平台之實現。其發展內容包含:多軸運動定位平台的系統特性分析(摩擦力、鈍齒力)、DSP運動控制卡之開發(DSP/Bios移植)、網路傳輸系統的設計與研發(MECHATROLINK-II),配合本實驗室著手發展Coprime DOB設計來補償馬達鈍齒效應。而對於摩擦力模型採用巨、微觀概念之Dual-controller控制器切換,此外運用交叉耦合控制器(CCC)的理論補償雙軸運動追跡誤差並以多軸的網路傳輸控制系統,進而整合實現多軸同步網路運動控制精密定位平台,再以應用例實驗整體軟、硬體與控制架構。 在第一年計劃中,重點將放在定位平台的系統特性分析及相關控制理論推導:包含以Coprime DOB補償鈍齒力影響,巨、微觀摩擦力模型與Dual-controller概念作精密補償定位並配合DSP/Bios運動控制卡實現其架構。 第二年計劃中發展MECHATROLINK –II網路傳輸系統架構並實現網路傳輸同步多軸控制並搭配交叉耦合控制的概念,在網路傳輸架構下期望達到與直接驅動多軸運動曲線之相同運動精度。最後整合上述架構做一個完整的系統整合與實現,予以實驗測試網路傳輸同步多軸運動控制性能與控制理論驗證。
This is a two-year project. The aim of the whole project is to build a multi-axis motion platform with synchronous networking transmission. The content involves the following subjects: Investigate the characteristics of multi-axis platform including friction and cogging force; develop a DSP motion card(DSP/Bios); investigate and develop networking transmission system(MECHATROLINK-II)and implement a novel DOB which is derived from coprime factorization to decrease the influence of cogging force. Also this project proposes a switching concept of dual-controller for macroscopic and microscopic models to achieve high precise motion control with one linear motion stage and cross-coupling controller to compensate the tracking error of bi-axes motion. Finally, the above hardware, firmware and software will be integrated to accomplish a multi-axis、synchronous transmit networking motion platform and some applications will be conducted to access the performance. In the first year, we will focus on analyzing the characteristics of motion platform and deriving the related theories, such as cogging force compensation by coprime DOB, high accurate positioning using switching concept of dual-controller related to macroscopic and microscopic dynamic models. As for the motion card, old version motion controller based on μC/OSII will be transport to the new DSP/Bios motion card. In the second year, we will study and develop synchronous networking transmit system with MECHATROLINK-II and realize a synchronous multi-axis motion platform with networking system and cross-coupling controller. Furthermore, this project integrates whole control theories, hardware and software derived and developed in the first year. Finally, some applications will be conducted to exam the performance and verify the validity of the synchronous networking multi-axis motion system.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2221-E009-194-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102796