Title: 以微波電漿合成法製備照明與顯示用新穎無機螢光體
The Preparation of Novel Inorganic Phosphors for Lighting and Displays by Microwave Plasma Method
Authors: 陳登銘
Keywords: 微波電漿合成;無機螢光材料;白光發光二極體;上轉換型螢光體;真空紫外;顯示;照明;環保型螢光體;Microwave-plasma materials synthesis;Inorganic phosphors;White-emittingLEDs;Upconversion phosphors;Vacuum ultraviolet (VUV);Displays;Lighting;Greenphosphors;Solar cells.
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本計畫為一三年期以應用為導向型基礎研究,內容主要探討照明及顯示用無機螢光 材料的微波電漿合成化學的原理、機制與新穎材料發光特性鑑定。微波電漿的技術應用 於化學合成早已行之有年,其具有快速升溫、體加熱、加快反應速率並縮短反應時間、 提高產率、產物相純度高等優點,因此已被廣泛應用於固態材料之製備。 為因應白光半導體照明普及化時代的來臨,用於封裝白光發光二極體用新穎鹼土氮 化物、氮氧化物、矽鋁酸鹽、鉬酸鹽等組成螢光粉為本計畫探討第一類標的;為探討前 瞻性的環保型顯示與照明的可行性,可供真空紫外波段激發的新穎硼酸鹽、釩磷酸鹽、 鍺矽酸鹽螢光粉,為本計畫擬研發的第二類標的; 為有效提升太陽能電池能量轉化效 率,紅外→可見光上轉換型的新穎氟化物、硫氧化物、硼磷酸鹽螢光體自然成為為本計 畫發展的第三類標的,上述所擬探討的螢光材料多數但非全為稀土摻雜。由內容剖析, 本計畫專注在無機螢光體的設計與發光、光譜學特性鑑定,兼具目標前瞻與做法新穎之 特質,學理鑽研與應用指引相輔相成、循序漸進,相信豐碩之成效指日可期。
This three-year term research is attempted to investigate the microwave-plasma synthesis of luminescent materials for applications in lighting, displays, and infrared (IR)-to-visible (VIS) upconversion in solar cells. Various novel and predesigned inorganic phosphors for lighting, displays and IR-to-VIS upconversion will be synthesized by a microwave processing technique in a multimode microwave furnace operated at 2.45 GHz and 1.4 kW. The microwave-synthesized phosphors are expected to exhibit well-controlled particle size distribution and specific surface area, decent brightness and superior luminescent properties. For white-emitting solid-state LED lighting, we make an attempt to develop non-garnet type phosphors such as nitrides, oxynitrides, and aluminosilicates prepared from microwave synthesis and investigate their luminescence. We also plan to investigate environmentally friendly phosphors such as borates, phosphovanadates, and germanosilicates to be used for lighting or backlighting materials of flat-panel displays. The Er3+- and Yb3+-codoped fluorides, oxysulfides, oxides, and borophosphates will be investigated as IR-to-VIS upconversion phosphors for the application in high-efficiency solar cells. This unique research project will be devoted to the development of principles for new phosphors design, microwave-plasma synthesis of novel phosphors with superior performance and the study on luminescent and chromatic properties. We will emphasize both fundamental understanding and application aspects of the predesigned phosphors and the research is definitely destined to be successful based on a well designed protocol.
Gov't Doc #: NSC95-2113-M009-024-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102806
Appears in Collections:Research Plans