標題: 智慧型視覺監控之感知整合
Sensor Fusion for Intelligent Visual Surveillance
作者: 莊仁輝
關鍵字: 感知器整合;視覺監控;Sensor Fusion;Visual Surveillance
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究計畫是以視覺監控為基礎架構,在視訊監控的環境中,佈建不同型態的攝影 機於室內定點與可四處巡邏的自動車上,並架設可見光、近紅外線PTZ 攝影機於定點, 與裝載紅外線熱像儀與近紅外線夜視攝影機於自動車,作為多重視覺感知監控應用, 進一步,我們討論異質攝影機之間,資訊傳遞、運用與系統整合問題,同時配合自動 車的動態巡邏功能,達到日夜、動靜監控的目地;在感測器整合研究的領域中,是介 於「同質性感測器整合」與「異質性感測器整合」研究之間,既有同質性的部分(皆 屬於視覺監控攝影機),也有異質性的部分(感測不同可見光、近紅外、中遠紅外影像 訊號),同時更結合了固定式與移動式視訊監控分析兩個不同的類別。這樣的研究主 題,具有下列特點: 1. 適用於日夜型的視覺監控:日間可由可見光攝影機拍攝影像,夜間則以近紅 外線影像作監控,而在完全無照明的環境下,則可藉由熱像儀進行監控。 2. 適用於不同距離的安全監控:多個攝影機間,皆包含了可動式的功能,我們 分別採用了PTZ 日夜型攝影機,使得攝影機本身即具有動態攝影的能力,同 時以自動車承載如熱像儀等設備,可以在場景中四處巡邏,作移動式監控。 3. 適用於不同角度的影像擷取:由於計畫中所預計採用的多個攝影裝置,皆有 動態的功能,因此能夠個別或協同擷取不同角度的監控畫面,整合後可獲得 豐富的監控影像資訊。 4. 適用於多樣化監控功能的設計:不同的訊號源的影像感測裝置,具有不同的 功能,除了一般所熟知的類可見光影像訊號外,我們還包含了近紅外與熱影 像的拍攝,期望能夠透過即時夜視與溫度分佈的分析,來防範火災、機具過 熱,乃至爆炸等危險情況。 基於上述研究主題,本計畫的研究項目將由多個攝影機與自動車機構所組成的視覺 監控環境建構作為出發點,發展單一感知器監控模組與自動車控制導航模組,而後作 感知器整合系統、影像對位與座標轉換技術、異質攝影機之物體偵測與追蹤整合,並 以人為主體,作多攝影機的人物肢體、姿態、運動分析。期望透過此一整合性監控系 統的開發,為長程的延續性與應用性研究主題,提供一個基礎的整合、研發和測試的 平台,建構新型態的整合式監控服務。
This project is based on the basic framework of visual surveillance wherein various types of cameras are deployed in an indoor environment. These cameras are capable of capturing visible as well as inferred lights, and they can be fixed in space, but may have pen-tilt-zoom (PTZ) capability, or mounted on a mobile platform. The motivation is to achieve more critical visual surveillance tasks through multi-sensor fusion. To that end, the project will study the communication and information sharing among heterogeneous cameras, and the system integration issues including those associated the dynamic surveillance functions of the mobile platform, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of active/passive surveillance around the clock. For the proposed research areas of sensor fusion, they are dealing sensors of somehow homogeneous (image-based surveillance cameras) as well as heterogeneous (visible and inferred image data) nature. Moreover, analyses of sur veillance data obtained from both fixed and mobile platforms need to be taken into account together. Thus, the related research topics and the associated attributes include: 1. Around the clock surveillance – with the help of visible- light, near- inferred, and mid- inferred cameras for normal, low, and no lighting conditions, respectively. 2. Range-extended visual surveillance – through camera self-motion (as with PTZ camera), and with the introduction of a mobile platform. 3. Multi-view image acquisition – for different viewing angles, and visual information, of a scene associated with stationary as well as moving cameras. 4. More diversified design of surveillance functions – from information embedded in different sensory data, e.g., fire or high temperature warning based on temperature information associated with mid- inferred image data. According to these research topics, the research plan of this project will include, based on the goal of the construction of an environment under visual surveillance with multiple stationary and moving sensors, the development of surveillance modules for individual image sensors and navigation module for the mobile platform, followed by the development of sensor-fusion sub-systems with image registration and coordinate transformation techniques, and some capabilities of object detection and tracking. More information sharing and integration among heterogeneous camera systems will then be studied to aim at human surveillance including gesture and motion analysis. The development of such an integrated surveillance system will provide a platform which is essential for system integration and testing, and serve as foundation for further, long-term research and development for more real-world applications.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2221-E009-125-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102812
Appears in Collections:Research Plans