標題: 適用於農業之無線行動感測網路技術之研究---總計畫
Wireless Mobile Sensor Network Technologies for Agricultural Applications
作者: 曾煜棋
關鍵字: 無線感測網路;感測器佈建;資料探勘;掃描統計;農業應用;wireless sensor network;sensor deployment;data mining;scan statistic;agricultural application
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計畫目標在計設無線感測器網路運用於農業上的一雛型系統,針對特定之農業應用,研究其需求和特性,開發感測器及感測器之網路技術與相關理論,整合開發成一完整應用系統,並針對其中具研究價值與開發潛力之特定項目,進行深入之探討與研究,相信本計畫將兼具理論研究與實務應用價值。本計畫成員,包含交通大學資訊工程學系,多位在無線通訊及資料處理方面學有專精的教授,負責整體系統設計開發的工作,並有農委會農試所農工組及中興大學生物產業機電工程學系的教授及研究員加入,提供農業上的特殊需求的建議及開發經驗。有別於傳統無線網路感測器之應用,本整合計畫可分為三個子計畫,目標在整合無線感測網路、行動感測器、資料處理、資料探勘及掃瞄統計等技術,建立一適用於農業之無線行動感測網路系統。 子計畫一主要的目的是在室內農場以及戶外田野佈建感測器網路,使得感測器能有效涵蓋整個農場/田野,以便協助其他子計畫完整收集環境資訊,以便將來可以協助農業的生產。為了配合總計畫"適用於農業之無線行動感測網路技術之研究"以及協調其他的子計畫,子計畫一制定了兩大工作重點:(1)無線感測網路的佈建,以及(2)行動感測車的派遣。 子計畫二主要研究目標為研發並建立一適合於田野及農業環境下,無線感測網路資料處理機制,研發有效率且節省感測器電源耗損資料處理與查詢機制。主要的研究課題有三部份:一是如何建構保證資料精確度之機制,以提高所收集資料之正確性;二是建立省電的資料處理機制,並降低感測器的資源耗損;三為研發階層式資料收集與探勘架構,以有效探勘感測資料模式。 子計畫三主要的目的在於提供一個可適合在戶外大量運作的的無線感測網路。在許多潛在的應用中,感測元件是由不可充電及更換的電池驅動,因此能源的有效用是影響元件及系統使用壽命的重要因子,因此本子計畫的中心思考即是如何在最小的傳輸半徑或感測半徑下以提供可靠的服務,我們主要的研究課題有三:(1)根據我們在掃瞄統計上的研究成果,以期對大型無線感測網路有深刻的瞭解;(2)在無線感測網路中提供適足的網路拓樸特性,如:網路連通性及感測覆蓋率;(3)在無線隨意網路中提供簡單可靠的路徑找尋協定。 縱觀國內對無線感測器網路的研究,多偏重在各別技術的研發,針對整體應用系統的開發,尤其是針對農業應用上的感測器網路系統的研發設計,仍有欠缺。因此,特提出本整合型計畫尋求補助,本計畫深具前?性、創新性、實務應用發展的潛力,相信其成果及經驗可對國內之感測器網路之研究及農業發展應用上,都帶來莫大的助益。
The objective of this project is to design and develop a prototype of wireless sensor network used to help the agriculture. In this project, we will study how to apply wireless sensor networks to some specified agricultural applications, find out some related problems and take researches on the corresponding issues, and then put our researches into a practical application. We believe that this project will have much contribution on both theoretical and practical aspects. The people who participate in this project include several professors in National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU) and National Chung-Hsing University (NCHU), and experts in Agricultural Research Institute (ARI). The NCTU professors whose researches focus on wireless communication and data processing will design and develop the wireless sensor system, while the NCHU professor and ARI experts will provide the suggestions and developing experiences on agriculture. Unlike traditional applications on wireless sensor networks, this project is composed of three sub-projects, which contain the issues including wireless sensor networks, mobile sensors, data processing, data mining, and scan statistics. And we will build up a wireless sensor network used for the agricultural application. The objective of the first sub-project is to deploy sensors in a greenhouse or farm, so that the greenhouse or farm can be fully covered by the sensor network. This can help other sub-projects effectively gather the environmental information, which can be fed back to the farmers so that they can increase their production in the future. In order to follow the ultimate goal of the main project, 「Wireless Mobile Sensor Network Technologies for Agricultural Application」, and cooperate with other sub-projects, we classify the related issues as two classes, (1) deployment of a wireless sensor network and (2) dispatch of mobile sensor car. For these two issues. The main theme of the second sub-project is to design efficient data query processing mechanisms and data mining techniques in wireless sensor networks. Our primary goals include (1) developing data accuracy guaranteed mechanism, (2) devising multiple query optimization and approximate data query processing with the purpose of power saving, and (3) building a hierarchical data collection architecture for in-network mining. The objective of the third subproject is to design an large-scale wireless sensor network for outdoor applications. In many possible applications of wireless sensor networks, sensors are powered by batteries that are not able to be replaced or recharged. Hence, energy efficiency is one of the most important factors that affect the lifetime of systems and sensor devices. The key idea of this subproject is to find the smallest transmission radius and sensing radius that can offer qualified services. In this proposal, we are interested in the following theree issues: (1) Based on the results of our research on scan statistics, we would like to develop a theorectical study about large-scale wireless sensor networks; (2) The networks have desired topology properties, i.e., connectivity and coverage; (3) To find reliable routing protocols that are simple and easy to be implemented. When we take a survey on existing domestic researches in wireless sensor networks, we can find that most of them only focus on developing theories or technologies. They do not develop integral systems, especially used for agricultural applications. Therefore, we propose this integral project and believe that this project has potentials on originality and practical applications. The results of this project are also believed to help the researches on both wireless sensor networks and agricultural development.
官方說明文件#: NSC95-2221-E009-058-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102820