標題: 分散式發電系統市電併網品質分析
A Quality Study of Grid-Connected Power Systems
作者: 廖德誠
Liaw, Der-Cherng
關鍵字: 太陽能;電力系統;solar energy;power systems
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 為響應政府因應聯合國「氣候變化綱要公約」,配合國際減少溫室氣體排放行動,以及兼顧國家整體經濟發展展與社會環境保護之前提下,加速推廣再生能源政策及研究太陽光發電之特性,開發太陽光發電及與市電併聯等相關技術,實現能源、經濟、生態三者永續發展境界。本計畫將針對太陽光電系統與市電併網相關品質分析,以電路系統理論及MABLAB/ PSIM模擬軟體方法進行研究,以建構適當之太陽光電系統之非線性理論分析模型與特性分析及其與市電交流電源併聯技術之分析與研究模型,達到先期瞭解未來PV Plant(太陽能發電廠)對區域電力系統衝擊評估與對電力品質及穩定性影響分析。太陽光電發電系統(PV system)係將太陽光藉由太陽電池組列及電力調節器轉換為電力,具有許多優點。首先,太陽光的來源取之不盡,該系統為安靜無聲、無需燃料、不會產生廢棄物,可降低對傳統化石燃料的依賴、以減少溫室氣體的排放,設置每峰瓩的太陽光電發電系統,可產生相當於兩個網球場大的森林綠化效果。若與現有電力系統併聯,除可有效疏解尖峰用電並可延後高成本電廠之興建。本計畫將提出PV、Inverter與電力系統三者之間的電路模模型、PV與市電併聯之相關法規與連接機制及市電併聯型PV對電力系統之電力品質影響。
Due to the growing demand of controlling air-pollution by reducing the emission of Carbon Dioxide, in the recent years, the development of cleaner energy becomes a very important issue in the whole world. To comply with the government’s policy of providing environmental protection as well as keeping economic growth of the country, the development of technology for re-use energy and green type energy then attract lots of attention. In this project, we will be devoted to the study of the related technology for solar power energy or the so-called “Photo-Voltaics” (PV). The major goal of this project is to assist the colleagues from the Institute of Nuclear Energy to develop the technology for the modeling and analysis of the distributed power systems which might contain the utility power, PV power generators and other possible power sources. In the project, we will focus on the two key issues. One is the energy conversion techniques for PV power generation, which contains the energy storage technique and the DC-to-AC inverter scheme. The other is the official regulation and system requirements for the grid-connected power system involving the utility power. For the first issue, the proposed tasks include the circuit modeling of the PV system, energy storage design and the study of energy conversion between the PV power and the load requirements. In addition, simulation codes such as Matlab and PSIM will be employed to do the preliminary system analysis. For the second issue, we will collect the related documents from the Tai-Power Company and the government for creating the requirement sheets for grid-connected power system. A power flow analysis will also be carried out to study the impact on both load requirements and the utility power delivery by the distributed power system which involves the utility power, PV power and other power sources.
官方說明文件#: 972001INER051
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102877
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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