Title: | 擬真人物角色之動作、皮膚與衣著合成技術之研究---總計畫 A Study on Realistic Synthesis Techniques for Motion, Skin-Muscle and Cloth of Human Characters |
Authors: | 莊榮宏 CHUANG JUNG-HONG 國立交通大學資訊工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 人物角色動畫;動作合成;臉部表情合成;肌膚形變與顯像;衣著形變與顯像;即時顯像;Character animation;motion synthesis;facial animation;bone/skindeformation and rendering;cloth deformation and rendering;real-timerendering |
Issue Date: | 2008 |
Abstract: | 在遊戲產業中,人物角色扮演了重要的環節,少了遊戲主角,整個遊戲便無法進行。 因此,知名的動畫、遊戲公司,如Electronic Art(EA)等,紛紛投入人物角色動畫系統 的研發,期望在遊戲中呈現擬真的人物角色,例如著名的遊戲「Half-Life 2」、「NBA Live」 中,皆有生動精采的人物角色動畫,讓玩家樂在其中。另一方面,擬真的人物角色合成, 不論是流暢的人物動作、逼真的肌膚及衣服形變與顯像,皆是極具挑戰性的問題,也吸 引頂尖的學術團隊發展相關之研究。 本計畫的主要目的便是針對此重要方向發展一套擬真人物角色動畫系統,根據研究 之內容分為三項子計畫,「人物角色動作與臉部表情合成技術之研究」主要研究人物表 情合成以及人物動作合成;「人物角色肌膚與衣著形變之研究」主要研究合乎物理性質 的皮膚肌肉動畫與衣服動畫;「人物角色肌膚與衣著即時顯像技術之研究」則研究擬真 的皮膚與衣服顯像,並且加上自體陰影效果,提升真實感。而總計畫『擬真人物角色之 動作、肌膚與衣著合成技術之研究』則負責規劃與整合各分項子計畫之技術元件。其工 作包括:溝通介面與資料結構之規劃、整合平台之設計與實作、系統測試調整等等。 本計畫為期三年,為國際上少見具完整人物角色研究之團隊。除預期在學術上能有 突破,所研發之成果將提昇國內動畫、遊戲產業之國際競爭力。 Human characters play an important role in the game production. A game will not be a game without ruling characters. Famous animation or game companies, such as Electronic Art (EA), have put great effort to develop their character animation systems aiming to exhibit realistic human characters in games. For example, both 「Half-Life 2」 and 「NBA Live」 have impressive human character animations that catch player』s eyes. Realistic human character synthesis techniques, including smooth motions, realistic skin and cloth deformation, and realistic skin and cloth rendering are challenging problems that continue to attract attentions from top research groups. The main purpose of this project is to develop a realistic human character animation system. It contains three sub-projects. Project 「A study on motion synthesis of body and facial animation for human characters」 studies the synthesis of motion and facial expression; project「A study on the simulation of skin-muscle and cloth deformation for human characters」 studies physically-based muscle/skin and cloth deformation; project 「A study on real-time skin and cloth rendering for human characters」 develops realistic real-time skin and cloth rendering enhanced by real-time self-shadowing. This project is responsible for the planning and integration of the development and resulting systems of three sub-projects, including the design of data structures and interfaces, the design and implementation of the common character animation platform, and the integration and testing. This project spans three years, which is a quite unique research team on human character system. We expect to see the result of this project will be applicable to local game/animation industries and able to enhance the competitiveness towards the world market. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC95-2221-E009-195-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102887 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1590014&docId=272616 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |