Title: | 擬真人物角色之動作,肌膚與衣著合成技術之研究---子計畫一:人物角色皮膚與衣著即時顯像技術之研究 A Study on Real-Time Skin and Cloth Rendering for Human Characters |
Authors: | 莊榮宏 CHUANG JUNG-HONG 國立交通大學資訊工程學系(所) |
Keywords: | 即時顯像;環境光遮擋;擬真皮膚即時顯像;擬真衣著即時顯像;real-time rendering;ambient occlusion;realistic real-time cloth rendering;realistic real-time skin rendering |
Issue Date: | 2007 |
Abstract: | 一款成功動人的動畫或遊戲包含許多重要要素,其中人物角色便有著相當舉足輕重 的地位。因此如何塑造出一位能夠深植人心的人物角色來吸引玩家注目,是相關產業工 業重要的目標。為了達到這個目標,企劃時常費盡心思設計人物的整體造型,並且繪製 出真實且細緻的人物靜態外觀。在目前即時人物顯像應用方面,為了考量效率問題,多 採用美工彩色貼圖方式顯像人物造型,導致在人物快速動作之下貼圖無法隨之動態變 化,使得人物角色顯像整體效果大為降低。本計劃將發展一套適用於人物快速動作下之 擬真人物角色即時顯像模組,針對人物顯像三個重要的成分進行研究,分別為自體陰影 效果、皮膚顯像及衣著顯像。 本計畫為期三年,第一年重點在於針對自體陰影效果以及即時皮膚顯像方法,發展 適用於人物快速動作下之環境光遮擋技術與人物皮膚即時顯像的貼圖空間擴散技術。接 著第二年根據皮膚顯像的物理模型,設計一個擬真的即時皮膚顯像架構,並提出一套即 時皮膚顯像模組。最後第三年著重在研究擬真的即時衣服顯像,並提出一套即時衣服顯 像模組。 A successful animation or game consists of many important features, and one of the most important features is the character. How to create memorable characters to attract audience or players' attention is always the main goal in the game and movie industries. To this end, lots of time is spent on modeling characters with realistic and meticulous appearances. For efficiency reasons, most real-time applications render characters with colored textures designed by artists, which restricts the ability to adjust detailed features of characters in rapidly changing motions and affects the quality of character rendering. In this project, a realistic character rendering module suitable for characters with highly dynamic motion will be developed. We focus on three important features of character rendering: self-shadowing effects, skin rendering, and cloth rendering. This project spans three years. In the first year, we will focus on developing methods for self-shadowing effects and real-time skin rendering. A method of ambient occlusion suitable for highly dynamic motion will be proposed, able to capture detailed features of characters. The skin rendering method will focus on a non-physically-based texture blurring method with adaptive abilities. The skin rendering method will be enhanced in the second year. By analyzing the physically- based reflection model, the real-time skin rendering method will be enhanced based on this physically-based model. For the third year, we will focus on realistic cloth rendering methods, and propose a module for real-time cloth rendering. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC95-2221-E009-196-MY3 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/88461 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1635465&docId=279152 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |