標題: 創新科技教育登峰計畫
Young Innovators Incubation Program to Prosper in Knowledge Economy
作者: 虞孝成
關鍵字: 創新科技;創新能力;知識經濟;教育研習;Knowledge Economy;innovation;and incubation
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 有鑒於「創新能力」乃二十一世紀企業、產業、乃至國家厚植實力的關鍵,尤其資訊、通訊、網 路等新科技的崛起,正快速改變人類生活型態與社會面貌。面對全球日趨激烈的產業競爭,以及知識 經濟時代的來臨,為積極培育新世代的科技創新思維,鼓勵青年朋友發揮創意,本計畫將透過巡迴演 講、業師輔導及創新科技研習等活動,傳遞科技產業新知,啟發年輕世代創新科技思維,建構科技產 學合作交流平台,厚植國家經濟實力與國際競爭力。 本計畫涵蓋之主要活動包括:一、創新科技產業菁英講座;二、創新科技人才研習營;三、創新 實力高峰會;四、創業計劃發表秀;五、創新與創業聯誼會;六、出版「創新科技與創業團隊專書」。 計畫將邀請科學教育學界領袖及科技產業知名人士以校園巡迴講座方式,針對國內大專院校青年 進行創新科技教育推廣,期培養青年學子創新思想,提昇科技領域新知;並舉辦「創新科技人才研習 營」,促使不同領域人才交流,培養跨領域知識;「創新實力高峰會」、「創新及創業聯誼會」,則 以建立大專院校與科技產業界之產學交流平台為宗旨,檢驗校園科技創新成果在產業界推廣普及的可 行性,並累積跨領域人脈,培植實踐創新科技的實力;「創業計劃發表秀」則展示創新科技研習營學 員結合研習與產業交流心得後所修正的科技創新成果。藉本計劃系列活動為台灣培育出新世紀的科技 創新卓越人才。
In the era of knowledge economy, innovation and creativity of young entrepreneurs impact significantly the wellbeing of a country. The purpose of this proposal is to join efforts from academia, high-tech research organizations, financial industry, Venture Capitalists, and government offices to promote the spirit of innovation and to assist establishing of start-up companies among college students. This project is going to cooperate with Taiwan Industrial Bank in organizing a series of activities, including: 1.) Inviting industry leaders and successful entrepreneurs to give lectures on campuses around Taiwan, 2.) Innovation Camps for potential entrepreneurs to get together to learn from each other and from mentors, 3.) Consultation and diagnosis on the feasibility of business models and business plans, 4.) Presentation of innovation plans, and 5.) Innovation Association as a platform to facilitate cooperation, networking, and supply of capital, talent and ideas. This is a half-year project proposal, with the Taiwan Industrial Bank bear over 80% of the expenses and government subsidy for the rest 20% of the budget.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2515-S009-003
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/103006
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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