標題: 中學科學師資培育研究發展計畫---理論蘊涵的科學教師改變模式(I)
Research and Development of Secondary Science Teacher Education---The Theory-Laden Changing Pocess for Science Teacher
作者: 佘曉清
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本單一整合型計畫「中學科學師資培育:理論蘊涵的科學教師改變模式」, 主要以建構主義理論為核心,進行科學師資培育課程的重整。如何可以讓職前 教師由此課程中完全蛻變,則將以DSLM 概念改變理論為教師改變模式基礎, 架構一系列科學教學與學習理論蘊涵課程,進而獲得科學教學與學習的新觀念、 新知識、新理論,進而促使職前教師不論在思考上與教學行為上均產生改變。 為達此目的,整個研究將分成三年形成分年目標,第一年:科學師資培育 課程的規劃與設計;第二年:試行新的科學師資培育課程並進行研究;第三年: 實習教師協同合作研究。期望可以建立與落實以建構主義理論為核心,科學教學 與學習理論蘊涵的科學教師改變模式課程於科學師資培育的課程,進而使科學教 師對建構主義、論証、概念改變、科學推理、問題解決新觀念與理論有新的認識 與體會,嘗試與應用這些理論想法和新的教學且是在合作情況下,即職前教師可 以持續的接受到支持,並經由回饋、批判性的反思、再協商、再建構其教學的目 標與目的,進而協助學生以新的方式學習,提昇培育中學學生的科學素養包括科 學知識、概念,原理法則的理解,科學過程技能的運用操作能力,科學創造力、 問題解決能力、邏輯思考、推理能力與科學態度的培養等等。 本研究期望探討理論蘊涵的科學教師改變模式是否可以有效的促進科學教 師專業成長。進而探討科學教師學科知識的成長、教師信念的建立與教學行動之 間的關係。是否任何一種理論蘊涵的科學教學或學習理論均可經由同樣的教師改 變模式架構課程,進而促進教師改變成長。
The purpose of this project is to focus on the research and development of secondary science teacher education program, which provides a new reform with the theory-laden changing process for science teacher. The core of this reform is constructivism, and combining DSLM conceptual change model as a model to construct a series of theory-laden science teaching and learning courses for science teacher changing process, in order to foster the changes of pre-service science teacher thinking and actions. It would examine how the new reforming laden science teacher education program relate to their changing in beliefs and actions during both of their school learning years and teaching practicum year. The guideline for the following three years study would be: First year: Design and develop secondary science teacher education courses. The main focus would use the constructivism as the core and combining the DSLM conceptual change model as a model to construct a series of theories laden science teaching and learning courses. Second year: Implement the new secondary science teacher education courses and study the nature and extent of the changing of pre-service science teachers. The main focus is to examine how the impact of those theory-laden science teaching and learning courses on those pre-service teachers』 beliefs and microteaching before and after a semester or a year or two years. Third year: Cooperative action research with pre-service science teacher. The primary goal is to facilitate those pre-service science teachers putting their theories into action and reinforce their beliefs of those theories laden science learning and teaching construct from their science teacher education program. It is hoping the theories laden science teacher changing model would promote science teacher professional development efficiently. Moreover, it is believed it should bring breakthrough on the understanding of how the impact of reforming science teacher education program on pre-service teacher changing of beliefs, thinking, and actions throughout the two years studies at science teacher education program and half year of teaching practicum.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2522-S009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/103110
Appears in Collections:Research Plans