標題: 行動科技支援之學生自評與同儕互評系統之建置與實施的成效評估
The Construction and Evaluation of a Mobile Technology Supported Self- and Peer-Assessment System
作者: 陳昭秀
Chen Chao-hsiu
關鍵字: 行動科技;自我評量;同儕評量;資訊融入教學;師資培育;行動研究;mobile computing;self assessment;peer assessment;technologyintegration;teacher education;action research
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 隨著電腦與網路科技的進步,教育研究者與教師均投注心力於如何將資訊科 技融入教學以提昇教與學的成效。近年來,由於行動科技具有無所不在、體積小、 價格相對便宜等特性,加上無線網路的普及,愈來愈多研究者將研究重點放在如 何善用行動科技的優點以尋求新的教學模式及教育應用上。因此,本研究的目的 亦將探討行動科技在教育上的應用,主要運用掌上型電腦(PDAs)為載具,發 展並建置一個「行動評量參與系統」(Mobile Assessment Participation System, MAPS),並將此系統運用於本研究者任教的師培教育課程的學生自我及同儕評 量上,希望藉此研究經驗建立一個行動科技輔助自我及同儕評量的模式,讓現職 教師及未來老師可以利用此模式於其課堂評量活動之設計。 教育理論學者在不同時期用不同的名詞和觀點來解釋學習,當代的學習理論 強調學習是學習者主動建構知識的歷程,透過參與學習社群,學習者與外在的學 習環境、工具、以及其他的學習者互動,來學習這個社群的文化、知識以及技能, 從而改變自己內在的概念和知識結構。基於這樣觀點,學習的評量著重於學習者 對於知識的瞭解程度和建構知識的過程,而非著重於學習者在學習活動完成後所 累積知識的多寡;評量的目的在於提供學習者反思的機會、增強自我監控與自我 評量的後設認知能力、以及鼓勵學習社群中的成員互動、討論以及給予彼此回 饋,以提昇學習者的學習表現。因此,自我及同儕評量的方式應可提供教師及學 生更多學習成效的資訊,透過自我的反省以及和同儕的互動,學生可以加強對知 識的瞭解與學習的表現。 因此,本研究將建置行動科技為平台的自我及同儕評量的系統,透過系統的 資料庫、觀察、問卷、訪談、及內容分析等方法,收集並分析量化及質化資料, 以瞭解MAPS 的成效、學生對於MAPS 及評量活動的態度與看法,並根據研究 結果建構一個行動科技運用於自評與同儕評量的評量實施模式,以提供教育研究 者及教師做為未來研究與教學的參考。
With the development of computer and network technology, educational researchers and teachers have been making efforts to integrate technology into instruction to improve teaching and learning. Recently, because of the characteristics of mobile technology such as ubiquity, smaller sizes, and comparatively cheaper prices and the widespread of wireless network, more and more researchers explore how to apply mobile computing to supporting new instructional strategies and new educational applications. Similarly, the purpose of this study is to investigate a possible educational application of mobile computing. The researcher intends to construct a Mobile Assessment Participation System (MAPS) on the platform of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and to implement the MAPS in a teacher education course to support student teachers』 self- and peer-assessments. Based on the experience of undertaking this project, the researcher will propose a mobile technology supported assessment model for in-service and pre-service teachers to implement meaningful assessment in classroom. Theorists at different times use different terms and perspectives to explain how people learn. The current learning theories emphasize that learning is a process of active knowledge construction. Learners actively construct their knowledge through participating in a learning community, and they interact with external environments, tools, and other participants to gradually learn the culture, knowledge, and practice of the learning community by modifying their internal concept representations and knowledge structures. Based on these perspectives, learning assessment should focus on learners』 levels of understanding and on the process of knowledge construction rather than summarizing the quantity of knowledge accumulated after learning activities. Moreover, the purposes of assessments are to provide learners with opportunities of reflection, to enhance learners』 metacognitive abilities such as self-monitoring and self-evaluating, and to encourage the interaction, discussion and feedback-giving among learners in a learning community, and therefore learners can improve their learning performance. Accordingly, self- and peer-assessments should be able to provide teachers and students with more information about learning effectiveness and, through reflection and peer interaction, students can achieve deeper understanding and better performance. Hence, this study plans to establish a self- and peer-assessment system using mobile technology (in this case, PDAs) as the platform. Quantitative and qualitative data will be collected from computer logs, observations, questionnaires, interviews, and course content to understand the effectiveness of the MAPS and students』 attitudes and viewpoints regarding the MAPS and the assessment strategies. Also, based on results, this study will conclude a mobile technology supported assessment model as recommendations for future educational research and assessment practice.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2520-S009-008
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/103117