標題: Method for inhibiting growth of intermetallic compounds
作者: Chen Chih
Tu King-Ning
Hsiao Hsiang-Yao
公開日期: 16-九月-2014
摘要: The present invention relates to a method for inhibiting growth of intermetallic compounds, comprising the steps of: (i) preparing a substrate element including a substrate on which at least one layer of metal pad is deposited, wherein at least one thin layer of solder is deposited onto the layer of metal pad, and then carry out reflowing process; and (ii) further depositing a bump of solder with an appropriate thickness on the substrate element, characterized in that a thin intermetallic compound is formed by the reaction of the thin solder layer and the metal in the metal pad after appropriate heat treatment of the thin solder layer. In the present invention, the formation of a thin intermetallic compound is able to slow the growth of the intermetallic compound and to prevent the transformation of the intermetallic compounds.
官方說明文件#: H01L023/498
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104348
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08835300


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