標題: Liquid dielectrophoretic device and method for controllably transporting a liquid using the same
作者: Fan Shih-Kang
Lu I-Pei
公開日期: 8-七月-2014
摘要: A liquid dielectrophoretic device comprises: a first container unit defining a first micro containing space including an electrode pair for generating a dielectrophoretic force; a second container unit defining a second micro containing space and including an electrode pair for generating a dielectrophoretic force; and a fluid channel unit defining a micro-channel between the first and second micro containing spaces and including an electrode pair having a middle region layer that has first and second enlarged sections and a middle section disposed between the first and second enlarged sections. The first and second enlarged sections are enlarged gradually from the middle section to the first and second micro containing spaces. A method for controllably transporting a liquid using the liquid dielectrophoretic device is also disclosed.
官方說明文件#: C25B011/02
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104366
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08771493


  1. 08771493.pdf

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