標題: Vertical electro-optical component and method of fabricating the same
作者: Zan Hsiao-Wen
Meng Hsin-Fei
Tsai Wu-Wei
Chao Yu-Chiang
公開日期: 13-五月-2014
摘要: A vertical electro-optical component and a method for forming the same are provided. The vertical electro-optical component includes a substrate, a first electrode layer formed on the substrate, a patterned insulating layer formed on the first electrode layer, a metal layer formed on the patterned insulating layer, a semiconductor layer formed on the first electrode layer, and a second electrode layer formed on the semiconductor layer, wherein the semiconductor layer encapsulates the patterned insulating layer and the metal layer. The vertical electro-optical component thus has a low operational voltage of a vertical transistor and a high reaction speed of a photo diode, and may be used to form light-emitting transistors.
官方說明文件#: H01L051/52
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104382
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08723165


  1. 08723165.pdf

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