標題: Wetted wall venturi scrubber with a 2-stage venturi throat
作者: Tsai Chuen-Jinn
公開日期: 9-七月-2013
摘要: A venturi scrubber which avoids clogging in the throat by dust particles is developed. The scrubber includes a venturi tube, two scrubbing fluid conduits and a storage tank. The venturi tube has a converging section, a diverging section and a throat section which is connected between the converging section and the diverging section. The scrubbing fluid conduit has a top end connected with the bottom end of the converging section of the venturi tube, and a bottom end extending into the storage tank. Thereby, scrubbing fluid can be guided directly into the storage tank without passing through the throat section. As a result, the clogging of dust particles on the converging section of the venturi throat can be minimized and the abnormal increase in the pressure drop of the air flow through the throat can also be avoided.
官方說明文件#: B01F003/04
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104466
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08480063


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