標題: Optical access system for dual service network
作者: Chen Jyehong
Lin Chun-Ting
Shih Po-Tsung
Peng Peng-Chun
Dai Sheng-Peng
Chi Sien
公開日期: 23-四月-2013
摘要: The present invention relates to an optical access system for dual service network, which mainly comprises an optical modulation device which is used to receive on-off keying (OOK) signal from cable network and radio frequency (RF) signal from wireless network, the optical modulation device then modulates the OOK signal and the RF signal to an optical signal and send out an output optical signal. Lastly, the output optical signal is being delivered to an optical receiving device through an optical fiber transmission channel, and the optical receiving device can access the OOK signal and RF signal from the output optical signal. In addition, the present invention does not require remote nodes (receiver side) to use any optical filter to discern on-off keying signal from cable network and RF signal from wireless network. The present invention can also apply to the field of wavelength-division multiplexing system.
官方說明文件#: H04B010/50
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104484
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08428471


  1. 08428471.pdf

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