標題: Fast bit allocation method for audio coding
作者: Yang
公開日期: 5-Feb-2008
摘要: A fast bit allocation algorithm for audio coding is disclosed. A virtual Huffman codebook model is referred in a trellis-based optimization approach to obtain a set of optimized scale factors, and then the set of optimized scale factors is referred in a trellis-based optimization approach to obtain a set of optimized Huffman codebooks. Therefore, the present invention can significantly reduce the amount of computation for the bit allocation. Further, according to the experimental data, the present invention can keep almost the same compression efficiency as the prior art JTB optimization. Hence, the present invention is more suitable for practical applications.
官方說明文件#: G10L019/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104776
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 07328152
Appears in Collections:Patents

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