標題: Microalgae for Removal of Carbon Dioxide Generated from Biogas and Biogas Electric Generator
作者: TSENG Ching-Ping
LIN Chih-Sheng
CHEN Chiun-Hsun
公開日期: 12-九月-2013
摘要: The present invention relates to biogas and biogas electric generator and a biogas electricity generation method by use microalgae for removal of carbon dioxide generated from biogas and biogas electric generator. The electric generator integrates biogas production and purification, microalga culture, electricity generation, heat recycling and others into a unit volume, and, during microalgae culturing, uses carbon dioxide contained in biogas and that produced from electricity generation as a carbon source for photosynthesis to reduce the carbon dioxide contained in the biogas and the electricity generation exhaust gas, thereby attaining the goal of zero carbon emission.
官方說明文件#: C12M001/107
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104999
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20130236951


  1. 20130236951.pdf

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