標題: 畜殖廢棄物沼氣發電系統產業化與微藻減碳及淨化畜牧廢水技術之建立
Development of Swine Waste Bioconversion Technology for Biogas Production, Electricity Generation and Microalgae Culture
作者: 曾慶平
關鍵字: 沼氣純化;沼氣發電;沼氣產氫;微藻;固態沼氣發酵;biogas purification;biogas power production;biogas reforming for hydrogen production;microalgae;solid state fermentation
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 在98-101年能源國家型計劃中,我們已建構3,000頭豬規模之除硫沼氣發電聯 結模組,每日發電400度,年發電量可達13萬度,並有相當於每年3,000噸之溫室 氣體減排。本年度計劃除規模放大外,各子計劃亦將發展新技術,提升沼氣生質能產業 化利用價值。總計劃除了將沼氣發電設施放大至每日發電量1,000度電、年發電量達35 萬度,同時發展固態發酵技術來進行整場沼氣資源評估。計畫一進行沼氣除硫系統技術 產業化及模組化,放大生物除硫系統6〜8倍至每日處理沼氣量達1,000立方米以上之 規模,並配合後端發電機成模組化系統;子計畫二執行建置沼氣純化後之甲烷渦輪發電 系統提升發電效能,並研發沼氣重組製氫系統;子計畫三執行利用畜牧廢水和發電機廢 氣養殖具高效率固定二氧化碳能力之藻株,以淨化畜牧廢水中的氮與磷,發揮減碳效 應,並生產微藻生物質。本研究目標是在台糖建立一萬頭豬規模之多目標生質能沼氣發 電示範場,達成產業化目標。
A pilot scale biogas operation system has been established for production of power, and heat and to eliminate greenhouse gas. The 3,000 pigs scale system can produce 400 kWh power per day (130,000 kWh/yr power production and 3,000 ton/yr CO2 elimination). In order to scale-up this process, a 10,000-pig field scale system will be established, and novel techniques will be developed in each sub-projects for further commercialized applications. In project 1, the biological H2S elimination system will be scaled up 6~8 times (i.e., 1,000 m3/day) and developed into a module system for power production. In project 2, the purified biogas will be conversed to be power energy or be reformed into hydrogen gas. In project 3, the wastewater from swine farm and the waste gas from power regenerator will be applied for the growth of microalgal strains with high CO2-fixation ability. Multiple purposes of greenhouse gas elimination, biomass production, and the reduction of nitrite and phosphate in wastewater will be accomplished in this project. Furthermore, the 10,000-pig scaled biogas power production system in the project will be a model system for future commercial applications.
官方說明文件#: NSC102-3113-P009-005
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/91300