標題: Coherent multiple-stage optical rectification terahertz wave generator
作者: Pan, Ci-Ling
Huang, Jung Y.
Chang, Chen-Shiung
Chen, Ching-Wei
Lin, Yu-Shian
Yan, Li
Lee, Chao-Kuei
公開日期: 26-Aug-2010
摘要: The present invention coherent multiple-stage optical rectification terahertz wave generator discloses the generation of single-cycle terahertz radiation with two-stage optical rectification in GaSe crystals. By adjusting the time delay between the pump pulses employed to excite the two stages, the terahertz radiation from the second GaSe crystal can constructively superpose with the seeding terahertz field from the first stage. The high mutual coherence between the two terahertz radiation fields is ensured with the coherent optical rectification process and can be further used to synthesize a desired spectral profile of output coherent THz radiation. The technique is also useful for generating high amplitude single-cycle terahertz pulses, not limited by the pulse walk-off effect from group velocity mismatch in the nonlinear optical crystal used.
官方說明文件#: H01S003/10
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105386
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20100215065
Appears in Collections:Patents

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