作者: Ker, Ming-Dou
Lin, Chun-Yu
Wang, Chang-Tzu
公開日期: 13-五月-2010
摘要: Self-triggered Multi-finger SCRs used in ESD protection circuitry capable of turning on all SCR fingers of the multi-finger SCRs include a first source, a second source, N SCR units, (N−1) diodes, and N resistors. Each of the N SCR units includes a first node, a second node coupled to the second source, and a trigger node. An nth diode of the (N−1) diodes is coupled between a first node of an nth SCR unit and a trigger node of an (n+1)th SCR unit. An nth resistor is coupled between the first node of the nth SCR unit and the first source, wherein n and N are integers. The (N−1) diodes can be replaced by directly coupled the first node of the nth SCR unit to the trigger node of the (n+1)th SCR unit when a trigger pulse is applied at the trigger node of a first SCR unit.
官方說明文件#: H02H007/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105411
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20100118454


  1. 20100118454.pdf

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