標題: Hollow sphere from amphiphilic chitosan derivatives and method of preparing amiphiphilic chitosan derivative complex for medical use
作者: Chen, San-Yuan
Liu, Kun-Ho
Liu, Dean-Mo
公開日期: 22-四月-2010
摘要: A hollow sphere from amphiphilic chitosan derivatives and a method of preparing an amphiphilic chitosan derivative complex for medical use are disclosed, and the hollow sphere from amphiphilic chitosan derivatives comprises: chitosan derivatives represented by the following formula (I), which self-assemble and form a hollow sphere in a solvent;wherein, each R1 is independently hydrogen, C1˜C4 alkyl, C1˜C6 carboxyl, sulfate group, or phosphate group, each R2 is independently hydrogen, C1˜C12 alkyl, C1˜C6 carboxyl, or C2˜C12 acyl group, and m is an integer of 100-2000.
官方說明文件#: A61K009/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105417
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20100098731


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