標題: Organic-semiconductor-based infrared receiving device
作者: Meng, Hsin-Fei
Horng, Sheng-Fu
Yang, Chia-Ming
公開日期: 26-十一月-2009
摘要: An organic-semiconductor-based infrared receiving device comprises an electrode layer having a positive layer and a negative layer to form an electric field, and a transport layer located between the positive and negative layers and having a first and a second predetermined material combined in a predetermined ratio. The energy of infrared light from a light source is received at an interface between the first and second materials. The thickness of the transport layer can be increased to enhance the light absorbance in the infrared light range to form electron-hole pairs, which are then parted to form a plurality of electrons and holes driven by the electric field to move to the negative layer and the positive layer, respectively, so that a predetermined photocurrent is generated.
官方說明文件#: H01L051/46
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105462
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20090289247


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