標題: Droplet microfluidic transporting module
作者: Hsu, Wen-Syang
Young, Han-Ping
Fan, Shih-Kang
公開日期: 8-十月-2009
摘要: A droplet microfluidic transporting module adapted for transporting a droplet is disclosed to include one or a number of connectors and one or a number of microfluidic transporting platform. Each connector defines a passage extending in one or multiple predetermined directions, and a first driving electrode extending along one side of the passage for the contact of the droplet to be transported. The microfluidic transporting platform is detachably electrically connected with the connector, defining a channel in communication with the passage of the connector and having a second driving electrode extending along one side of the channel for the contact of the droplet to be transported.
官方說明文件#: B01J019/08
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105479
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20090250348


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