標題: Architecture of an embedded internet robot system controlled by brain waves
作者: Wu, Li-Wei
Liao, Hsien-Cheng
公開日期: 15-六月-2006
摘要: The present invention discloses an architecture of an embedded internet robot system controlled by brain waves, wherein the brain-computer interface and the internet robot system cooperate with the alertness level detection technology and the instruction translation technology, and thereby, the user can control a distal-end robot purely via consciousness activities and can interact with the environment as if there were an entity representing the user's consciousness appearing in the distal end. The seriously disabled person can regain his expressive ability via the present invention. Further, the present invention can also be applied to a multi-player interactive game system.
官方說明文件#: G06F019/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105704
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20060129277


  1. 20060129277.pdf

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