標題: Wireless LAN medium access controller supporting mode change and mode change method thereof
作者: Lin, Yen-Liang
Chang, Hsung-Pin
Chang, Ruei-Chuan
公開日期: 27-四月-2006
摘要: A wireless LAN medium access controller supporting mode change and the mode change method thereof are proposed. A physical layer detects signal strength in the environment and writes a mode index value of the stronger signal into a register. When the written mode index value is different from a mode index value in the communication system, a medium access controller is informed to perform mode change. The physical layer then sends out an interrupt signal to a central processor and sends the mode index value to the central processor for comparison via a DMA module and a memory. An interface module is used to access the mode index value in the memory for providing an external interface for the medium access control layer. When the mode index value doesn't conform to the signal in the environment, a software layer in the medium access controller is used for mode change.
官方說明文件#: H04L012/28
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105707
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20060088016


  1. 20060088016.pdf

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