標題: Method for manufacturing a combined solid immersion lens (SIL) and submicron aperture, and device thereof
作者: Wensyang, Hsu
Hsueh, Chou
Chung, Tien
公開日期: 15-七月-2004
摘要: The invention relates to an integrated method for manufacturing a combined solid immersion lens (SIL) and submicron aperture, and device thereof, comprising depositing a sacrificial layer on a substrate, coating a photoresist on the sacrificial layer and using photo-lithography to form an aperture on the photoresist, applying reflow and etching process to remove the sacrificial layer below the aperture, depositing a conductive material on the photoresist and performing electroplating to reduce the aperture size, then coating another photoresist and using photo-lithography to form a cylindrical phtoresist above the aperture, applying a high temperature thermal reflow to form a microlens, and finally removing the substrate to obtain an optical read/write apparatus with a combined solid immersion lens (SIL) and submicron aperture.
官方說明文件#: G02B003/02
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105773
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20040136091


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