标题: Architecture of method for fetching microprocessor's instructions
作者: Chen, Pao-Lung
Lee, Chen-Yi
公开日期: 3-十月-2002
摘要: A kind of architecture of method for fetching microprocessor's instructions is provided to pre-read and pre-decode a next instruction. If the instruction pre-decoded is found a conditional branch instruction, an instruction reading-amount register is set for reading two instructions next to the current instruction in the program memory, or one is read instead if the next instruction is found an instruction other than the conditional branch one so as to waive reading of unnecessary program memory and thereby reduce power consumption.
官方说明文件#: G06F009/30
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105796
专利国: USA
专利号码: 20020144087


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