標題: 組織導入資訊系統時各部門成員之權力運作-“科技思維框架與華人關係理論之觀點”
The Power Operation among Departments' Actors in ISD-Technological Frame and Chinese Guanxi Perspectives
作者: 張玲星
Christina Ling-Hsing Chang
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 資訊系統;權力;科技思維框架;華人關係;Information System;Power;Technological Frame;Chinese Guanxi
公開日期: 1-七月-2008
摘要: 本研究旨在瞭解企業導入資訊系統(information system, IS)過程中各部門的成員,會由於其居於不同角色,對IT也有不同的看法,他們就會以其既有的專業知識,在導入IS的過程當中,運作權力以達其個人目的。因此引起本研究想要從科技思維框架(technology frame)的角度詮釋權力對企業導入IS過程的影響。然而除了角色的差異會讓組織成員對IS的導入有不同的看法並造成影響外,事實上還受到文化層面很深厚的影響,因為不同的文化,其運用權力的方式也不盡相同。因此本研究以台灣的公營運輸事業機構為例(HKang),採用質性研究方法,以組織內不同部門成員(高階主管、MIS部門員工、DP-1單位員工、客戶、HKang內顧問)的科技思維框架為經,並以文化為緯(華人關係理論),瞭解整個文化的背景如何影響成員對權力的運作進行更進一步的剖析,進而對IS的導入造成了很大的負面影響,以得到新的洞見(insights)。
This paper investigates the power operation in information system (IS) development processes. Different departments have different professional knowledge. In their different situation, some employees support IS, but others might resist IS to achieve their goals. Through the theory of technology frame interpret these power operations in the process of ISD. Other than the technology frame distinction among different roles and departments (groups), the culture characters also affect employees how to employ their power. This study based on a qualitative data collected from –Hkang-a public transport company. We investigate different roles, e.g. top manager, MIS department employees, DP-1 unit employees, consultants of HKang, and customer (outside users), and see how they wield power in ISD, through their different perspective. In this point, we interpret with Technological Frame (TM). On the other hand, we adopt the ”Chinese Guanxi Theory” into the technology frame. How the different roles employ their power and guanxi (relation) to affect the ISD. Finally, we report the insights about power operation in ISD from these two perspectives.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107746
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 15
Issue: 3
起始頁: 377
結束頁: 410


  1. 10239863-01503-100.pdf

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