標題: 應用模糊階層TOPSIS方法評估入口網站之服務品質
Applying Fuzzy Hierarchical TOPSIS to Evaluate Portal Site Service Quality
作者: 葉燉烟
Duen-Yian Ye
Ching-Hsue Cheng
Kun-Cheng Huan
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 入口網站;服務品質;多準則決策制定MCDM;模糊階層TOPSIS;Portal Site;Service Quality;Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making MCDM;Fuzzy Hierarchical TOPSIS
公開日期: 1-Jul-2008
摘要: 入口網站為資訊通路上的控制點,網站業者一旦能掌控多數人進入該網站,便可以獲取龐大的廣告收入與商機。隨著入口網站家數的增加,服務的多樣化與服務品質的好壞將影響使用者持續進入的意願,因此網站服務品質的評估與提升勢必是網站業者必需面對的重要課題。然而面對此課題時,不可避免地將至少遭遇兩個難題,其一是現階段評估資訊服務業服務品質的研究較少,因此缺少一個公平且適切的評估模式;其二是隨著使用者對服務品質要求的多元化,使得服務品質政策的制定實爲一個存有不確定性與模糊性的多準則決策問題。準此,評估入口網站的服務品質將是一個極具挑戰的研究課題。本文的目的在於整合知名的模糊分析層級程序法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FAHP)及模糊理想解類似度順序偏好法(Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, FTOPSIS)各自之優點,提出「模糊階層TOPSIS」評估模式以評估入口網站的服務品質。此模式的優勢主要有二,其一在於利用FAHP將複雜的決策問題系統化,加上語意變數的運用,克服人為主觀認知上的不確定性,以制定合適的階層式準則權重;其二在於修改並且簡化原有的FTOPSIS部份演算過程,使所得最佳方案必會距正理想解最近且距負理想解最遠,同時避免距正、負理想解最近或最遠的困擾產生,進而得到公平且適切的評估結果。在實例應用方面,以國內四家知名的入口網站為評選對象,管理與系統並就專家使用者及網站工作者觀點,依演算結果分別探討雙方在評估準則權重與服務品質表現的認知差異。在制定階層式評估準則方面,以統計方法萃取出七個主準則及其轄下三十二個次準則項目,以做爲評估入口網站服務品質之準則架構。最後,分析結果除可公平且適切評量入口網站的服務品質,部分分析結果亦可做爲業者在行銷宣傳與經營管理上的改善建議外,亦可提供給使用者選擇入口網站之參考。
As one of the control points on the Internet, the portal sites stand at the position possible for obtaining a lot of advertisement incomes and commercial opportunities. The intensive competition makes the evaluation and promotion of portal site service quality being an important issue. However, two difficulties are involved in this issue. One lies in the lack of proper criterion structure for evaluating the service quality of portal site. The other is due to the multiple-criteria-decision-making oriented characteristic that fuzziness and uncertainty will be inevitable. This study aims at proposing the ”Fuzzy Hierarchical TOPSIS” model to evaluate the portal site service quality by integrating the merits of two famous models, Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS) and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP). In this model, FAHP is used to identify the weighting distributions of hierarchical criterion structure, while the FTOPSIS model proposed by Chen (2000) is modified to evaluate and rank all the alternatives. In the empirical verifaction, 4 famous portal sites in Taiwan are selected as the target alternatives. As results, the hierarchical criterion structure with seven criteria and thirty-two sub-criteria is constructed and the difference analyses on criterion weighting distribution and service quality behavior from user perspective and worker perspective are also conducted. All the outcome analyses provide useful information not only for the users in their portal site selection, but also for the owners in their operation strategy proposal.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107748
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 15
Issue: 3
起始頁: 439
結束頁: 466
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System

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