標題: 結合ISM與ANP建構知識管理系統評估模式
Integrating ISM and ANP into Construction of Knowledge Management System
作者: 王麗幸
Li-Hsin Wang
Ling-Feng Hsieh
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 多準則評估方法;知識管理系統;詮釋結構模式;分析網路層序法;Multi-Attribute Decision Method MCDM;Knowledge Management System;Interpretive Structural Model ISM;Analytic Hierarchical Process ANP
公開日期: 1-Apr-2009
摘要: 知識管理系統是企業導入知識管理一項非常重要的系統建置,同時知識系統與一般資訊系統最大的不同點,是在於系統除了知識庫強大的資訊存取外,必須有知識的收集、分類、再利用及發展新知識的部份。因此,高品質的系統可以使企業提昇員工素質,創新產品提升企業競爭力。同時,統籌建置到使用需要很長的適應期,及相當的經費支持,且知識的傳承所耗費的時間很長,期間系統可能需要有密切的配合,以達企業運用知識,創新知識的目的。本文期望能建置一套可以適用於企業的知識管理系統的評估模式,運用多準則評估方法,採兩階段研究方式進行,第一階段利用詮釋結構模式(ISM)探討知識系統準則間關聯性,找出直接及間接的關聯性;在確認關聯性後,第二階段則運用分析網路程序法(ANP)決定準則及構面間的權重,進而提出完整的知識管理評估結果,期望能給予企業在建置完整知識管理系統的同時,能更瞭解系統以此可以延長系統使用年限,及提供更完整的知識分享機制。
Knowledge management system is the most important system for orienting the knowledge management in enterprise. The knowledge management system not only has the major knowledge base for knowledge sharing, but also has knowledge collecting, categorization, utilize for creating new knowledge. Constructing the knowledge management system until to apply the system, it could take a lot times to adapt the system, also, it could take a lots budget to build up. According to apply the system efficiency and effectiveness, this paper applies multi-attribute decision method (MCDM) to build an evaluation model to the knowledge management system for enterprises in order to evaluate its system. There are two phases' for building this evaluation model. In order to apply adapt and accuracy methodology, there are two phases used in this paper. Phase 1, this paper applied Interpretive Structural Model (ISM) to construct the causal relation between all the dimensions and criteria. Phase 2, applies the Analytic Hierarchical Process (ANP) to get the relative weights for all the dimensions and criteria. Finally, it is verified that the evaluation model could help KMS builders and relative experts to enhance the KMS lifecycle, and utility for all users.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107769
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
起始頁: 219
結束頁: 241
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System

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