標題: 台灣筆記型電腦產業適用之存貨管理決策方法之研究
An Inventory Management Decision Method Applied in Taiwan's Notebook Computer Industry
作者: 王信智
Shen-Tsu Wang
Chih-Ming Liu
Wen-Tsann Lin
Chih-Hung Fu
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 筆記型電腦產業;知識管理;品類管理;模糊理論;存貨管理決策方法;Notebook Computer Industries;Knowledge Management;Category Management;Fuzzy Theory;Inventory Management Decision-making Method
公開日期: 1-四月-2009
摘要: 筆記型電腦產業的零組件具有非標準化及短生命週期之特性,加上對於顧客需求必須具備快速反應和彈性變更的能力,所以零組件之存貨管理在該產業中扮演非常重要的角色。本研究提出適合台灣各種不同規模和經營環境的筆記型電腦產業之零組件管理方法,透過知識管理的概念,藉著企業物料管理流程的分析,利用品類管理觀念將物料分類,再應用模糊理論來決定個別零組件之適當存貨量。透過所提出之存貨管理決策方法,可同時考慮估計滿足客戶需求的存貨水準以及估計零組件從採購到入庫所需的前置時間,以事先模擬各種可能之訂單變更狀況,來降低缺料風險及呆料之成本。
Suppliers of notebook computers work in an industry that is non-standardized and has a short life cycle. Because clients demand rapid response and flexible modification from their notebook computers, suppliers must understand the role of inventory management in the industry. This study proposes a supply management method for notebook computer industries of different scales and business environments in Taiwan. The method utilizes the concepts of knowledge management and analysis, as they apply to corporate managers, in order to classify the parts based on the concept of category management. This method then applies Fuzzy Theory to determine the inventory quantity for each material. It proposes an inventory management decision-making method to determine the inventory quantity that meets customers' demands and to determine the lead time from procurement to warehousing. It also simulates order modification scenarios to reduce the risk of part insufficiency and reduce the cost of slow-moving items.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107773
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 16
Issue: 2
起始頁: 311
結束頁: 345


  1. 10239863-01602-125.pdf

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