標題: How Perceived Value and Switching Barriers Affect Repurchase Intention: An Integrated Model and Empirical Study of Mobile Phone Services
作者: 劉宗哲
Chung-Tzer Liu
Yi Maggie Guo
Wo-Ching Li
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 再購意願;知覺價值;轉換障礙;行動電話服務;Repurchase Intention;Perceived Value;Switching Barriers;Mobile Services
公開日期: 1-十月-2010
摘要: 本研究提出顧客再購意願之一般模型,再購意願的兩項驅動因子爲知覺價值與轉換障礙。知覺價值的前置影響變項包含有知覺價格、顧客期望、知覺服務品質、及替代者的吸引力。轉換障礙的前置影響變項包含有知覺服務品質、替代者的吸引力、轉換成本、及信心利益。本研究架構利用台灣行動電話使用者的問卷訪查做驗證,除了替代者的吸引力之外,其他的構面對再購意願的影響均顯著。爲了提高顧客再購意願,企業應該投資於提高顧客知覺價值與轉換障礙的努力,特別是,企業應該提升服務品質、維持顧客知覺價格合理與期望、謹慎利用轉換成本、及提供信心利益給顧客。
This study proposes a general model of customer repurchase intention. The two drivers of repurchase intention are perceived value and switching barriers. The antecedents of perceived value include price fairness perception, customer expectation, perceived service quality, and attractiveness of alternatives. The antecedents of switching barriers include perceived service quality, attractiveness of alternatives, switching costs, and confidence benefits. The model is tested using data collected from mobile phone users. Except attractiveness of alternatives, all other antecedents are significant. In order to increase customer repurchase intention, companies should invest in initiatives that both increase customer perceived value and switching barriers. Specifically, businesses should improve service quality, maintain customers' perception of price fairness and a healthy customer expectation, carefully utilize switching costs, and provide confidence benefits to customers.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107812
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 17
Issue: 4
起始頁: 559
結束頁: 583


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