標題: Cognitive Processes Evoked by Forcing Airline Passengers to Use Self Check-in Services
作者: 王榮祖
Rong-Tsu Wang
Tim Lu
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 自助報到服務;強迫行為;認知過程;心理抗拒;Self Check-in Service;Forced Behavior;Cognitive Process;Psychological Reactance
公開日期: 1-一月-2014
摘要: 為了降低成本與航空旅客的便利性,自助報到服務被視為一種有效的行銷戰術並且廣泛的引進航空業。許多航空公司逐漸地利用自助報到服務機器取代傳統人工的報到櫃檯,不過,這樣的做法也同時提高旅客使用自助報到服務的被強迫感。過去的相關研究大多聚焦於探討這種行銷戰術所引起的反效果,至於旅客之所以產生反效果的認知過程則甚少被提及。鑑此,本文提出一個相關性模式,期能進一步探討影響旅客認知過程的相關因素與其彼此間的關係。為了能更真實的貼近旅客行為,本文將引起旅客反效果的力量分為被迫接受與被迫拒絕兩種。研究結果顯示,兩種力量皆會讓旅客在使用自助報到服務的過程中產生被威脅感,觸動心理上的抗拒,進而不喜歡自助報到服務、降低對此服務的使用意願,甚至產生轉換航空公司的想法。最後,針對這種認知過程的現象,本文從理論上、管理上以及航空公司的觀點提出因應的行銷戰術。
Self check-in services have been widely introduced in the airline industry for convenience and reducing cost. Many airlines have gradually replaced traditional check-in counters with this automated service, thereby enhancing passengers' perception of being forced. Although previous research has explored the negative effects of this marketing tactic, passengers' cognitive processes in coping with the tactic remain unclear. To fill this gap, we proposed a causal model aimed at identifying these cognitive processes. To increase ecological validity, we distinguished two types of force: forced acceptance and forced rejection. The results show both requirements increased passengers' perception of threat, triggering psychological reactance. This leads to less favorable attitudes toward self check-in services, resulting in decreased use intention and increased switching intention. Finally, the marketing tactic is provided from the theoretical, managerial, and airline's viewpoints, respectively.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107918
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 21
Issue: 1
起始頁: 95
結束頁: 110


  1. 10239863-02101-256.pdf

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