Title: | 探討強迫採用及共存矛盾對消費者採用航空自助報到服務之影響 Effects of Forced Adoption and Co-Exist Paradox on the Adoption of Self-Check-In Service |
Authors: | 任維廉 JEN WILLIAM 國立交通大學運輸科技與管理學系(所) |
Keywords: | 自助報到服務;強迫接受;強迫拒絕;心理抗拒理論;Self-check-in Service;Forced Acceptance;Forced Rejection;Psychological Reactance Theory |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 為了加快消費者接受新產品的速度,企業經常採取強硬的手段,迫使消費者 使用這些新產品,例如航空業者強迫旅客使用自助報到的服務,或是電腦業 者直接將舊版的軟體停產。本研究將這種行銷方式容易讓消費者產生抗拒, 反而降低他們對新產品的接受度。本研究也將進一步將新產品的強迫採用區 分為「強迫接受」與「強迫拒絕」兩種情況,並應用心理抗拒理論,探討這 兩種類型的強迫採用對消費者造成的影響,以及兩者之間的交互作用。再者, 航空業者推行新服務時期,往往會有新舊交替的情況,消費者會因各別的優 缺點以及心裡是否準備好要接受新服務或捨棄舊服務,而在新服務(自助報到 服務)或舊服務(傳統人工服務)間猶豫不決,因而產生矛盾(paradox)或者是 兩難的情緒,而這樣的矛盾會透過處理策略來釋放,進而採用不同的處理策 略,最後影響到其使用行為。本研究依序設計三個實驗,針對研究假設進行 驗證。第一,由心理抗拒的角度探討強迫採用對消費者的影響,補足過去研 究的不足。第二,針對強迫接受與強迫拒絕兩種情況進行區分,並驗證兩者 之間存在交互作用。第三,針對不同的就緒度消費者分群,探討因矛盾的差 異及不同的因應策略。最後,根據實驗之結果,提出管理意涵以及對後續研 究之建議。 To increase the adoption rate, companies often force consumers to use their new product, which is found to be harmful in our study. For example, some airlines replace traditional service with auto check-in kiosks, thus forcing customers to use automated service. Software companies, similarly, often shut down old editions of programs in order to increase the utility rate of their new programs. However, we find that such “forced adoption” may result in consumers’ resistance of new products, leading to contrary behaviors. We also apply psychological reactance theory to investigate consumers’ responses to two types of forced adoption: “forced to accept” and “forced to reject”. Furthermore, it is a common circumstance that both new and old service style would coexist during the period the initial stage airlines provide new service. Consumers may have paradox between old and new service (self-service Kiosk). Thus, they will adopt different coping strategies to free this kind of pressure (co-exist paradox). And had effect on whether their adoption of self-service Kiosk. We will conduct three studies to test our hypotheses. The first contribution of this research is to apply psychological reactance theory to forced adoption conditions. The second contribution is to test the interaction effects of two type of forced adoption. The third is to test the effect of co-exist paradox form different group customers on coping strategies. According to the results, we will also discuss the managerial implication and suggestions for further research. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC100-2410-H009-005-MY2 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99337 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2331462&docId=366105 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |