標題: 應用關鍵鏈專案管理於民用航空器發動機維修業之排程規劃
Applying Critical Chain Project Management to Scheduling the Civil Aircraft Engine Maintenance Business
作者: 郭秀貴
Hsiu-Kuei Kuo
William Jen
Jing-Yuan Huang
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 關鍵鏈;專案管理;民用航空器;發動機;維修業;Critical chain;Project management;Civil aircraft;Engine;Maintenance business
公開日期: 1-四月-2006
摘要: 發動機是航空器的心臟,其維修品質攸關飛行安全,其維修時間影響航空公司的航班與航機調度規劃。雖然品質方面已有國際準則規範,而時間方面卻因變異性大而不易掌控,因此發動機修護工廠需要良好的排程規劃與控制。目前實務上發動機維修業的排程規劃方法過於簡化且不易準確預估改善完工時間策略對於維修總完工時間的改善效果。本研究採用關鍵鏈專案排程技術,以一個案公司為例,進行民用航空器發動機重度翻修組裝部份的排程規劃,並使用Microsoft Project與ProChain軟體進行三種情境模擬。模擬結果發現應用關鍵鏈排程技術可以減少15.54%之總完工時間。若欲再進一步縮短發動機維修完工時間,則必須針對原關鍵鏈作業增加資源,或針對原關鍵鏈作業進行「非原件回裝」。
The engine is ”the heart of au aircraft” for the airlines. Maintenance quality affects flight safety. Maintenance span influences the flight schedule mid aircraft dispatch of the airlines. Maintenance quality must conform to the international aviation safety regulation How ever, the maintenance span is not easy to control due to its large variation Hence, appropriate schedule planning and controlling is very significant for the civil aircraft engine maintenance business. In practice, the existing schedule planning methods are excessively simplified and the civil aircraft engine maintenance business cannot accurately estimate the effects of the shortening span strategies on the maintenance span. This study took a civil aircraft engine maintenance company as au example. and used Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) for planning the schedule of the overhauled engine assembly activities. For shortening the assembly span, this study simulated three scenarios by using Microsoft Project and ProChain software. The results showed that applying CCPM can shorten 15.54% of the assembly span. And if managers w alit to further shorten the assembly span, they must increase additional resources or change the work scope by means of spare modules on the activities of the original critical chain.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107963
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 13
Issue: 2
起始頁: 241
結束頁: 263


  1. 10239863-01302-46.pdf

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